Monday, October 10, 2011

10th bank taken over by Denmark since 2008 crash. Denmark was heart of Europe carbon trading fraud, billions stolen-UK Telegraph

"The Danish registry may be at the heart of Europe's problems with carbon trading fraud. Local media has repeatedly raised the fact that few, if any, checks are done on new traders and approval can be much quicker than in other countries."... 12/30/2009

10/9/11, "Denmark's Max Bank transferred into state hands," Reuters

"Denmark's Max Bank was transferred into state hands after it acknowledged at the weekend that it could no longer meet requirements for further write downs.

Its operations were to be transferred at the weekend to a new subsidiary under Finansiel Stabilitet, the state authority set up to handle failed Danish banks, Finansiel Stabilitet said in a statement late Saturday.

It would be the 10th bank to fall into state hands since the start of the financial crisis in 2008....

The bank would still be able to service its customers, Finansiel Stabilitet said.

Last month, Danish political parties agreed to adjust a bank aid package to help the Nordic country's smaller liquidity-squeezed banks and promote mergers within the sector.

The agreement followed growing worries that more small Danish banks could fail. But it has offered little guarantee to creditors, which has contributed to a shortage of international funding

  • to all but a handful of the country's biggest banks."...

12/30/09, "'Carousel' frauds plague European carbon trading markets," Telegraph UK, Rowena Mason

"According to sources, the Danish registry may be at the heart of Europe's problems with carbon trading fraud. Local media has repeatedly raised the fact that few, if any, checks are done on new traders and approval can be much quicker than in other countries....

Denmark exploited children to sell global warming crime which stole billions from its own and other economies.


12/10/09, "Copenhagen climate summit: Carbon trading fraudsters in Europe pocket €5bn," UK Telegraph, Rowena Mason

"Carbon trading fraudsters may have accounted for up to 90pc of all market activity in some European countries, with criminals pocketing an estimated €5bn (£4.5bn) mainly in Britain, France, Spain, Denmark and Holland, according to Europol, the European law enforcement agency."...

12/11/2009, "Out of the mouths of babes come a conniving adult’s words," Andrew Bolt, Australia Herald Sun

"There is something profoundly immoral about terrifiying children for a political cause, and something profoundly anti-intellectual in demanding adults then heed the children’s cries to settle immensely complex questions of science and economics.

This tactic alone suggests on which side of this debate reason lies."

via Free Republic

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