Monday, September 5, 2011

Working age Californians with jobs at record low-Bloomberg

Keeping the topic of 'racism' on the front burner is good because it keeps the focus off the fact that America has been killed by the crony class.

9/4/2011, "California Employment at Record Low," Bloomberg, C. Palmeri

"The percentage of working-age Californians with jobs has fallen to a record low, and employment may not return to pre-recession levels until the second half of the decade, according to a research group.

Just 55.4 percent of working-age Californians, defined as those 16 or older, had a job in July, down from 56.2 percent a year earlier and the lowest level since 1976, the Sacramento- based California Budget Project said in a report released late yesterday.

California’s 12 percent unemployment rate in July, the nation’s second-highest after Nevada, compared with 9.1 percent nationwide. The most-populous state lost 1.4 million jobs during the recession that began three years ago, and has gained back only 226,800, or about 17 percent, according to the report.

Alissa Anderson, deputy director of the research group, which concentrates on issues facing low- and middle-class Californians, said women have disproportionately trailed men in regaining jobs.

“Women represent nearly half of the workforce,” Anderson said in a telephone interview. “They gained just one of the 10 jobs added.”...

Women have lost jobs in industries such as retail and financial services, while men in those fields gained.

“As businesses cut costs, the first thing to go is administrative support positions where women tend to work,” Anderson said."


11/4/10, "Editorial: New Energy Outfoxes Old in California," Dealbook, NY Times

"When it came to California’s global warming law, the state’s hedge fund and venture capital investors won the day on Tuesday, The New York Times’s editorial board says."...


12/28/10, "Fresno, Zimbabwe," IBD editorial

"Environmentalism: Fresno, Calif., stands as the de facto capital of California's mighty Central Valley, the breadbasket of America.

  • 24.1% of Fresno's families are going hungry....
victim of a famine machine that is entirely man-made, not by red communists this time,
  • but by greens.
State and federal officials, driven by the agenda of environmental extremists, have made it extremely difficult for the valley's farms, introducing costly environmental regulations and
cutting off critical water supplies to save the Delta smelt, a bait fish."...


"Congress created Dust Bowl" photo Big Government


Reference: 10/9/09, "Environmental lawsuits rake in billions for lawyers," by Jake Putnam


Reference: 9/22/09, "Senate rejects measure to turn California water on," Washington Times, Amanda Carpenter


12/15/10, "Two Californias," Victor Davis Hanson, National Review

"Abandoned farms, Third World living conditions, pervasive public assistance -- welcome to the
  • once-thriving Central Valley."...

via Lucianne

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