Sunday, September 18, 2011

Wisconsin lawmaker notes escalating violence, lack of interest in the problem at highest levels of law enforcement

Criminals in the political class wish to proceed without impediment. If it's violent enough, the pesky middle class will shut up and stay home.

9/17/11, "Wisconsin Lawmaker Warns of Escalating Violence," Big Government, Brett Healy

"Wisconsin State Representative Steve Nass says that if Madison law enforcement authorities don’t begin to crack down on the repeated and escalating harassment of lawmakers and staff “somebody is seriously going to get hurt…or killed.”

Will Madison authorities allow politically motivated harassment escalate until someone is hurt or worse?

State Representative Steve Nass (R-Whitewater) believes that Madison law enforcement leaders are partially to blame for the escalation of disorderly and dangerous conduct by protesters in the Capitol city. Nass believes that

  • Madison Police Chief Noble Wray,
  • DaneCounty Sheriff Dave Mahoney,
  • Capitol Police Chief Charles Tubbs and
  • Dane County District Attorney Ismael Ozanne have been
more interested in cooperating with protesters than enforcing the law.

The problem is not with rank-in-file police officers. They have had enough, as well. Frankly, the problem rests squarely with the top law enforcement leaders that have

  • let their partisan views interfere with the conduct of their offices,” Nass said."
(Video below with State Rep. Nash and some of the protesters)

2/25/11, "Police union official urges officers to sleep among protesters, keep Capitol open," Wisconsin State Journal, Barbour, Spicuzza


Group already had to relocate due to union threats. Now police won't protect them.
"The policemen who were there, and who were standing in close proximity to these events as they unfolded, did nothing to assist those collecting the petitions as they were being destroyed,
  • despite such an action being a Felony under Wisconsin law.

Police also did nothing to clear the walk way for citizens that wanted to sign the petitions. Recall Committee members received many phone calls the following day from Merill area citizens who stated that they showed up to sign the petition,


3/31/11, "E-Mail of the Day: University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Union Occupation"," to WTMJ, Charlie Sykes


I am a student at UW-Milwaukee, as I sit and type this I am looking at a quiet study room in the UWM Union that has been occupied by those who are against Scott Walker and his bill. They have removed all tables and computers in this room, and replaced them with picket signs
  • and air mattresses.
They have been in this room since Monday, the 28th. "...


Wisconsin police and firefighters union members send threatening letter to Wisconsin businesses.

3/11/11, "Wisconsin Unions Threaten Businesses," Big Government, Publius

"Remember, the recently passed proposal gives Wisconsin government employees slightly more rights than federal government employees. Police and firefighters were exempted from the proposal, so their taking up this mantle is odd. Finally, what does it mean to have police and firefighters ‘boycott’ your business. "...



9/16/11, "N.Y. mayor Bloomberg warns U.S. conditions could lead to 'riots'," Postmedia News,


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