Saturday, September 10, 2011

Wall St. Journal gives op-ed space to slumlord Ground Zero Imam who said US must integrate sharia law. He uses space to make blood libel claim

Wall St. Journal gives op-ed space to slumlord: "They said their current problems include rats and bedbugs. ...
  • Union City spokesman Mark Albiez confirmed last week that Rauf still owns properties in Union City with
multiple health violations, including some within the last few years."...9/5/10 (The Ground Zero imam may have disposed of his properties by now but he maintained them in filthy and dangerous conditions for decades despite $2 million in US taxpayer funds he was given to make repairs).

9/9/11, "A Call to All Religious Moderates," Wall St. Journal op-ed by Feisal Abdul Rauf

"When I launched my effort last year to build an Islamic Community Center in Lower Manhattan as part of reconciliation after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the vitriol hurled against me and Islam was overwhelming. Islam is evil, our critics said. The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim."...

Who exactly said such a thing, Mr. Imam? If you have no proof you have committed libel and incited hatred of and among Americans. In addition to being a slumlord and receiving $2 million in chump US taxpayer money to improve your buildings though records show complaints continued over 2 decades." (parag. 9).

The slumlord purveyor of rats and bedbugs (parag. 12) wants you to "join hands" with him, "especially the media." No problem with that:


(continuing, WSJ, Rauf): "I ask my brothers and sisters of all faiths, especially members of the media, to join hands with me..."...


9/10/11, "Wall Street Journal Prints Ground Zero Radical Rauf's Blood Libel," Atlas Shrugs, Pamela Geller

"In his own book, "Islam: A Sacred Law," he wrote this on p. 58: "And since a Shari'ah is understood as a law with God at its center, it is not possible in principle to limit the Shari'ah to some aspects of human life and leave out others."

I work with Muslim girls trying to escape devout households in the US where their lives are in danger. What has Rauf done to help apostates? What has Rauf done to stem the rise of Islamic honor killings in the West? His third wife Daisy shrugs at clitorectomies....

(Imam) Rauf here: "I do believe that freedoms are not absolute."

UPDATE: Andrea Lafferty has excellent analysis on the threat the cultural jihad poses to free speech here."


8/28/11, "Ground Zero imam gives Scotland his recipe for successful multiculturalism," Herald Scotland, by Vicky Allan

"Greater integration between Islam and the West depends on the incorporation of Sharia law into the legal systems of the UK and the United States"


3/20/11, "'This case (in Florida) will proceed under Ecclesiastical Islamic Law'," American Thinker, Thomas Lifson


3/20/11, "Sharia law has come to Florida," by Tom in Florida

"In effect, due process in an American court is being denied and Sharia law is being imposed


8/6/11, "Christie’s ‘Crazies’," Andrew McCarthy, NRO, "Sharia is not a figment of our imagination."


7/14/11, New Jersey schools teach tolerance of 9-11 by leaving out 'grisly' parts


10/2006, Christmas play cancelled in Florida public school

12/4/08, "Primary school cancels nativity play because it interferes with Muslim festival of Eid," UK Daily Mail

8/28/11, "Ground Zero Imam Backs Ban on Free Speech and Urges incorporation of Sharia law into the legal systems of Europe and the U.S." Atlas Shrugs, Pamela Geller

"Rauf does not and cannot point to a form of Sharia that does not contain the mandates for stoning, amputation, etc. So how firm and honest can his assurance that Muslims have no intention of bringing all that here really be? We're already seeing honor killings and female genital mutilation in America. Why shouldn't the rest follow when all of this is justified by Sharia?"...


We've already had Sharia honor killings and female genital mutilation in the US. Dec. 6, 2010 LA Times, Sharia's penal system is growing in popularity in other countries-not decreasing. Pew Study below with chart, popularity of brutal Sharia. 2010 BBC report, Afghan Pres. Karzai spokesman said stoning could be done but must go through proper channels....Libya's new constitution draft calls for Sharia law. Video of stoning to death in August 2010 in Afghanistan--very graphic. (details below). 7/8/10, Stoning to death in Iran of a woman accused of adultery "is expected any day now...under Article 105 of the Islamic Penal Code....Stoning as a method of execution... still exists on the law books in Afghanistan, Iran, sections of Nigeria, Pakistan, Sudan, and the United Arab Emirates." (7/8/10). 85% of Pakistanis would approve segregating men and women in the workplace.


9/5/10, ""Controversy hits close to home, Ground Zero mosque Imam is North Bergen resident, Union City property owner," Hudson Reporter, by Tricia Tirella and Lana Rose Diaz

"After the 9/11 attacks he became a moderate Muslim voice and conducted

  • training and speeches for the FBI and State Department.

According to reports on Aug. 31, Rauf was expected to return from a

  • U.S. State Department-funded Middle East Tour soon..."...


On Monday, September 13, 2010, a lawsuit was filed against the Ground Zero imam.

"Apart from the fire-related issues, the lawsuit says the landlord ignored dozen of complaints from tenants about various other problems in the two buildings during the past two decades. "...Rauf received more than $2 million in public money to renovate low-income apartments he owns in Hudson County, including those mentioned in today’s lawsuit..."...
"The suit, filed today (9/13) in state Superior Court in Jersey City, identifies (Imam) Rauf as the sole officer of Sage Development LLC, a company based at his home address in North Bergen and listed as the owner of the two buildings. The suit also alleges that
  • Sage’s corporate status was revoked by the state in March 2005, for its failure to file annual reports.

The buildings occupy the same lot at 226 Central Ave., one containing 32 apartments and the other 16. The larger building has been vacant since Feb. 8, 2008, when

  • a fire broke out there, one year after the city says it issued
  • 12 separate fire code violations that Rauf ignored.
Rather than addressing the violations after the fire, the city says Rauf boarded up the building, barring residents from their apartments.
  • A spokesman for Mayor Brian Stack said he could not immediately say what had become of the displaced families.

"He’s a terrible landlord who’s unresponsive to the residents who live in his building," said the spokesman, Mark Albiez. "City officials and inspectors have reached out to him to express the urgency in correcting problems in his buildings, and it’s unfortunate that it’s gotten to this point, but it’s our responsibility to insure that residents receive the care that is needed."

  • Repeated calls to Rauf’s home telephone were met with a busy signal. No number was listed for Sage Development....

Apart from the fire-related issues, the lawsuit says the landlord ignored dozen of complaints from tenants about various other

  • problems in the two buildings during the
  • past two decades.
The suit seeks to place the buildings into receivership, in which a court-appointed receiver would collect rents directly from tenants and use the money to make necessary repairs and address hazards, pay
  • delinquent utility bills and settle fines imposed by the city.

"From 1996 to 2010, the city responded to no less than thirty complaints from tenants predicated upon various health and safety concerns, including lack of heat,

  • mold inside apartments, garbage issues, bed bugs, foul odors, dirty hallways and
  • the lack of utilities/heat," the lawsuit states.

Feisal Abdul Rauf is the well-known author, activist and imam of the Masjid al-Farah. Rauf and his wife, Daisy Khan, have been at the center of the international controversy over plans to develop a proposed Islamic Center and mosque two blocks from the World Trade Center site.

  • Opponents have criticized the plans as insensitive to victims of the 2001 terrorist attacks, perpetrated by Islamic extremists who hijacked commercial planes and flew them into the twin towers....
Last week, The Record reported that Rauf received more than $2 million in public money to renovate low-income apartments he owns in Hudson County,
  • including those mentioned in today’s lawsuit, after winning support for the projects from officials, including

the disgraced former County Executive Robert C. Janiszewski, and U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez, who was mayor of Union City at the time."...


9/15/10, ""Ground Zero Mosque Imam is a no-show in New Jersey court," NY Post, T. Topousis

"While the Imam behind plans for a mosque near Ground Zero was jetting around the globe and advocating for his Downtown project, a pair of dilapidated apartment buildings he owns in New Jersey fell into such disrepair that

  • cops have to stand watch in the event of a fire.
The fire watch, at taxpayer expense, was revealed during a court hearing today when Union City lawyers asked to have two buildings owned by Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf placed into receivership so that rent s could be used to fix
  • dozens of violations, including inoperable alarms and sprinklers."...


9/14/10, "(Union City) NJ Mayor Blasts Ground Zero Imam," Fox News blog

"On Wednesday, the city goes to court seeking to have a custodial receiver take over management of the properties. Mayor Stack said although the violations go back years, the city felt compelled to put a custodial receiver in charge of the property after the fire alarm system failed at the building located at 2206 Central Avenue. Residents at the second building owned by the Imam remain displaced because of a fire two years ago."...


8/23/10, In 2005, Ground Zero Imam said US has more blood on its hands than Al Qaeda

via Atlas Shrugs

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