Wednesday, September 14, 2011

'Storming the Castle,' America's biggest problem is the permanent political class of both Democrats and Republicans


The cover picture of this publication and its brief review describe America's biggest problem: the permanent political class of both parties whose only interest is to fortify itself and keep others out.

9/14/11, "Storming the Castle," by Richard Fernandez

"Editorial Reviews

"It is a pamphlet describing how gradually yet irresistibly, Washington became the dominated by a party of incumbents. Whether they are Democrat or Republican, politicians have now become a permanent class in the capital, existing along with a giant bureaucracy, operating the government for their own sake. Unless that is changed, they will simply continue to increasing

An example of this was the Nov. 2010 elections which gave a majority to an almost non-existent GOP House. The old guard did not want the new people, was happy being the minority, and set out from day one to stifle the gifts Americans bestowed on them. All sides knew the GOP was still undeserving and there was no reason to assume they'd change their ways. To this day the 'leadership' of the GOP would rather stand guard behind its stone wall and see America fail than let in people and ideas that could save us. ed.

"Former GOP Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, now a big-time Washington lobbyist, has already told the Washington Post that it's imperative for his tribe to "co-opt" the tea partiers arriving in D.C."...(11/20/10)

Another example of the GOP fortress who lost us our country, gave us Obama, but refuses to leave town is a person named Rick Moran.

via Instapundit, illustration via Lucianne

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