Thursday, September 29, 2011

Rush Limbaugh again says GOP establishment aims to prevent a conservative from getting the nomination, media types especially getting frantic now

Rush has said this before and eloquently, that they're just as happy being in the minority. Karl Rove certainly exemplifies the rotting GOP establishment but Rush adores him.

9/28/11, "Limbaugh: GOP Establishment "Does Not Want A Conservative Getting The Nomination"," Real Clear Politics

RUSH LIMBAUGH show transcript: "My friends, do not doubt me. I know this is going to shock many of you, and maybe disappoint a lot of you. But when you talk about the Republican establishment -- and you've read their pieces today -- you know what I'm talking about: The columnists, the magazine directors, editors, publishers, whatever, they are reaching and searching for a counter to the conservatives. They don't want Herman Cain getting the nomination; they don't want Perry getting the nomination; they don't want Bachmann getting the nomination. The Republican establishment does not want a conservative getting the nomination. If Chris Christie can come along, catch fire, see to it that Palin, Bachmann -- Palin not in, she might get in, who knows, doubt it, but still too soon to say -- if they can co-opt any conservative getting the nomination, they will do it.

Nothing's changed. "But, Rush, but, Rush, Christie's a big conservative." I will reserve my comments for later on in the program. I'll just give you one little hint. I heard a lot of John McCain in that speech. Well, maybe not a lot, but I heard enough to send up a red flag or two."...


11/4/10, "Ruling Class GOP Declare War on Country Class Conservatives,"

Spoken after the historic Tea Party victories in November 2010 that landed in the GOP because they had nowhere else to go, not because the GOP wanted most of them.

"The ruling class of the Republican Party doesn't want conservatives having any kind of a foothold, any success or any leadership in the party. ...(item half way down page)....So it appears to me they're (GOP) perfectly happy being in the minority if it means not supporting conservatives. (2/3 down page, Rush was using the term conservatives generally describing the new people elected in Nov. 2010)... Apparently the
  • establishment Republicans
  • will fight harder and more viciously to stop conservatives

11/20/10, "Revolutionary Do-Over," Wall St. Journal, John Fund

Former GOP Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, now a big-time Washington lobbyist, has already told the Washington Post that
  • it's imperative for his tribe to "co-opt" the tea partiers arriving in D.C."...

9/28/11, "Will Somebody Please Tell Me How We Compromise with Socialists?" Rush Limbaugh transcript:

"Now, the Republicans live and believe this myth that if they don't compromise, and if they are too critical of the Democrats, that these independents are gonna run right back to the Democrat Party, and it's a lie and it's a myth that has been perpetuated, created by the media and the left precisely to stifle Republican comments, conservative behavior, policy, and everything else. It is designed to make us live in fear of being who we are. It's perpetuated by Republican political consultants who live and work with that 20% of the electorate that's said to be the undecided every election, the independents, the moderates. That's where they make their money, by telling candidates, "I know how to get those voters for you, and here's what you can't do. You can't run out there, don't say Obama's middle name, don't call him Barack Hussein. You do that and you're gonna send 'em running right back to 'em." All that kind of malarkey and they end up muzzling Republican and conservative candidates.

And then they say, "You better talk about compromise. You better talk about bipartisanship. The American people want these two parties to get along." Really? Well, how does the math on that work? One party is abject no doubt socialist. The other party is conservative, constitutional conservative, small government, lower taxes, entrepreneurs, all that stuff, where is the middle ground there? All these wizards, the independents, where do they want the compromise? Where do they want the bipartisanship to be? As far as I'm concerned they've already told us with their votes. ...

We have people in the Democrat Party who think Europe is utopia, 'cause the smart people are in charge and run everything. The elites are in charge of everything. They have 14% unemployment but that's okay, the state takes care of them. They can't defend themselves but that's okay because they don't believe in war, and if we're attacked we'll just call the United States -- and after they defend us, we'll complain and whine and moan about their militarism, their imperialism, but we'll take it. Obama's trying to turn us into Europe as fast as he can, on steroids. I don't want to become Greece. I don't want to become Spain. I don't want to become the UK. That's where we're headed, and it's utterly predictable. So somebody tell me: Where do you want to compromise with Harry Reid? Where do you want to compromise with Nancy Pelosi? Where do you want to compromise with Barack Obama? Where do you want to compromise with Dick Durbin or John Kerry or Chuck Schumer? And then tell me why."

via Lucianne

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