Author says opposing Shariah law is like opposing Jewish law. (para. 4)

9/2/11, "(NYT) — "More than a dozen American states are considering outlawing aspects of Shariah law. Some of these efforts would curtail Muslims from settling disputes over dietary laws and marriage through religious arbitration, while others would go even further in stigmatizing Islamic life: a bill recently passed by the Tennessee General Assembly equates Shariah with a set of rules that promote “the destruction of the national existence of the United States.”
Supporters of these bills contend that such measures are needed to protect the country against homegrown terrorism and safeguard its Judeo-Christian values. The Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich has said that “Shariah is a mortal threat to the survival of freedom in the United States and in the world as we know it.”
This is exactly wrong. The crusade against Shariah undermines American democracy, ignores our country’s successful history of religious tolerance and assimilation, and creates a dangerous divide between America and
- its fastest-growing religious minority.
Read more....
(The author is an academic, an assistant professor at Yale).
Where was Gingrich 10 or 15 years ago when this problem was growing like weeds and could have been stopped? He had the media at his beck and call but chose to remain silent and sell us out. ed.
11/30/09, "'Honor killings' in USA raise concerns," USA Today, Oren Dorell
2/27/11, "NPR Insists Buffalo Wife's Beheading by Muslim Outreach TV Founder Has No Islamic Overtones,", Tim Graham
"You know, apparently, we're just too stupid. We just all think that all Muslims are bad."...
6/14/10, "Female Genital Cutting: Affecting Young Girls in America," ABC News
7/9/11, "The Insidious Kumbaya on American College Campuses," American Thinker, Ashraf Ramelah
"What will never be revealed is that the Muslim establishment has no intention of embracing Western democracy. Instead, the establishment will make a convincing feint, all the while using the very freedoms they wish to subvert -- beginning with initiatives like the Interfaith and Community Service Challenge." (end of article)...
"Islamic tradition...has also codified wife-beating, polygamy (multiple wives), female genital mutilation, woman guardianship, honor killings, and female head and face veiling. These practices
- flourish today
- within Islamic communities throughout the world."...
6/3/11, "Detroit's Death Rattle," American Thinker, "In a recent update (6/2/11), Wooldridge writes that Detroit has now dropped another 200,000 from 912,000 in 2009 to reach 712,000 people in 2011.
Whites are fleeing the city. Something like 400,000 to 500,000 are now Muslims and they have built hundreds of Mosques and their music floats over the city of Detroit. We now have honor killings, female genital mutilation, arranged marriages and schools where only Arabic is spoken. Detroit is about 83 percent minorities and about
90 percent of them are on welfare."...
8/28/11, "Ground Zero imam gives Scotland his recipe for successful multiculturalism," Herald Scotland, by Vicky Allan
"Greater integration between Islam and the West depends on the incorporation of Sharia law into the legal systems of the UK and the United States"
- according to the Ground Zero Imam.
Pamela Geller notes
"Rauf does not and cannot point to a form of Sharia that does not contain the mandates for stoning, amputation, etc. So how firm and honest can his assurance that Muslims have no intention of bringing all that here really be? We're already seeing honor killings and female genital mutilation in America. Why shouldn't the rest follow when all of this is justified by Sharia?"...
3/20,11, "'This case (in Florida) will proceed under Ecclesiastical Islamic Law'," American Thinker, Thomas Lifson
- "A mind-boggling court order from Judge Richard A. Nielsen, of Hillsborough County (Tampa) Florida. Read the whole court order, via Jihad Watch.
3/20/11, "Sharia law has come to Florida," by Tom in Florida
"In effect, due process in an American court is being denied and Sharia law is being imposed
- on an unwilling participant. Right here in Florida."
8/6/11, "Christie’s ‘Crazies’," Andrew McCarthy, NRO, "Sharia is not a figment of our imagination."
- 8/5/11, "Chris Christie Backs Hamas-linked Superior Judgeship Pick -- Blasts ‘Crazies’ After Appointing Muslim Judge: The ‘Sharia Law Business Is Just Crap’," Atlas Shrugs, Pamela Geller
7/14/11, New Jersey schools teach tolerance of 9-11 by leaving out 'grisly' parts
10/2006, Christmas play cancelled in Florida public school
12/4/08, "Primary school cancels nativity play because it interferes with Muslim festival of Eid," UK Daily Mail
via Weasel Zippers
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