Wednesday, September 7, 2011

NBC News 'objective' pollsters concerned public giving up on Obama

9/6/11, "NBC's Chuck Todd: 'Our Pollsters Are Concerned' About Obama's Poll Numbers," NewsBusters

"Consider Chuck Todd's revealing statement about the most recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll made to Brian Williams on Tuesday's "Nightly News" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

BRIAN WILLIAMS, HOST: Now we turn to our new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll. Some bad news for the President tied to some very bad feeling about the current state of our economy. Our political director and chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd here with us in California for tomorrow night’s debate with a look at the numbers.

CHUCK TODD, NBC: ...Now this has taken a hit on the President politically. 44 percent approve of the job he’s doing – all-time low of his presidency. But a more important number that our pollsters say is in there is this idea that is this a long-term setback for him or a short-term one? 54 percent said long-term. Our pollsters are concerned that’s kind of numbers you have when the public starts to give up on a president as a problem solver."...

  • "Our pollsters are concerned?" ...

Shouldn't their charge be to survey the public, assess the data, and report it dispassionately and without bias?...

But for NBC's political director and chief White House correspondent to be saying his network's pollsters are "concerned" about what their polling data indicates for a president or leading politician is an intentional or accidental exhibition of partiality that should be

  • unacceptable from a news organization....

I guess we should be grateful for Todd's candor intentional or not."

via Lucianne

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