Saturday, September 24, 2011

Morgan Freeman conflates Mitch McConnell and the Tea Party. They are very different.

Morgan Freeman says Mitch McConnell and the Tea Party are racist.

9/23/11, "Guy (Morgan Freeman) who you’ve loved in every role he’s ever played hates your guts," Hot Air, Allahpundit

"Via Newsbusters, a video knee to the groin to liven up your Friday evening blog-reading. I’m trying to think: Is there any other actor in Hollywood whose scorn would sting more than this guy’s? Being demagogued by a halfwit celebrity is normally a badge of honor...but I really like Morgan Freeman, notwithstanding his alleged freaky-deakiness. I don’t know what’s more disappointing, his paint-by-numbers racial reductionism or the fact that his argument about special conservative animus towards Obama vis-a-vis Bill Clinton is so stupid that even Piers Morgan feels obliged to rebut it. It’d be irritating yet tolerable coming from anyone else, but Red from “Shawshank Redemption”? Are you kidding?"...


Morgan Freeman makes a big mistake. He equates Mitch McConnell and the Tea Party. In reality Mitch McConnell views the Tea Party as an impediment and vice versa. As a key member of the GOP Establishment his first priority is defeating the Tea Party and other newcomers. A distant second is to defeat Obama. The Tea Party's first priority is to save this country. That entails much more than defeating Obama.
McConnell has been in office much too long. His main interest now is goodies attached to the title of Senate Majority leader (5th para.). I knew long before the Tea Party existed that Establishment Republicans were selling this country down the river. As for the 'racism' charge, it shows that Morgan Freeman is a racist himself. The only movie of his I recall seeing is Clean and Sober with Michael Keaton and I thought he was great in it. ed.


Influential Right of Center/Republican website outspoken in opposition to McConnell:

7/18/11, "If You Support Mitch McConnell, We Don't Support You,", Erick Erickson

RedState is a Republican website that seeks to make the GOP better/different. It has supported Tea Party candidates in the past but focuses on working within the Republican Party to change it. Naturally not everyone in the Beltway is happy about the site and its influence. The point is the influential editor in chief of RedState is outspoken in opposition to McConnell. Morgan Freeman needs to inform himself. Mitch McConnell speaks only for crony Beltway and media types--not ordinary right of center Americans. ed.


11/4/10, "Ruling Class GOP Declare War on Country Class Conservatives,"

Spoken after the historic Tea Party victories in November 2010 that landed in the GOP because they had nowhere else to go, not because the GOP wanted most of them.

"The ruling class of the Republican Party doesn't want conservatives having any kind of a foothold, any success or any leadership in the party. ...(item half way down page)....So it appears to me they're (GOP) perfectly happy being in the minority if it means not supporting conservatives. (2/3 down page, Rush was using the term conservatives generally describing the new people elected in Nov. 2010)... Apparently the
  • establishment Republicans
  • will fight harder and more viciously to stop conservatives

11/20/10, "Revolutionary Do-Over," Wall St. Journal, John Fund

Former GOP Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, now a big-time Washington lobbyist, has already told the Washington Post that
  • it's imperative for his tribe to "co-opt" the tea partiers arriving in D.C."...

9/23/11, "Morgan Freeman: Obama Made Racism Worse, Tea Party Will Do 'Whatever [It] Can To Get This Black Man Outta Here'," NewsBusters


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