Friday, September 9, 2011

GOP candidates flop on science and climate, that means Rick Perry who started the day as the only hope against this massive scam

"If we can demolish this fraud, we achieve much toward de-funding the left. This should be a high priority for the GOP candidates. They need to get with it. They've had plenty of time, plenty of opportunity." Commenter to AT article

9/8/11, "(GOP) Candidates Disappoint on Science and Climate," American Thinker, Harvey M. Sheldon

"The Republican candidates failed to explain clearly to the American people why the Democrats' stated concerns over climate change are wrong. Asked essentially to name a scientist who does not believe in man-made global warming, Rick Perry dissolved into almost a-mumble that the "theory" of man made climate change is unproven. While that is fine, its only his assertion, not evidence, and it is not a direct answer to the question posed. Jon Huntsman proved himself a gullible nitwit by adopting the so-called consensus.

The man-made climate notion is that carbon dioxide, a naturally occurring atmospheric trace gas that is essential to all life on earth, is a harmful pollutant when industry and vehicles emit it, because it will warm the Earth dangerously. This is at best an hypothesis. Thousands of scientists have questioned the so-called consensus, and although being asked to name a few is perhaps unfair, they include people like


Comments to AT article


"The left wants carbon to remain the big bad bogeyman. The reason is to gin up a "need" for carbon credits markets. The gov't connected leftists would skim millions of dollars of commissions off the trades by churning those accounts. If we can demolish this fraud, we achieve much toward de-funding the left. This should be a high priority for the GOP candidates. They need to get with it. They've had plenty of time, plenty of opportunity. "



"Exposing the AGW hoax was one of the most important things I was hoping for in the GOP candidate. Looks like we have just another bunch of RINOs to chose from now."



"I sent a comprehensive tutorial to the Perry campaign debunking "anthropogenic global warming". It discussed cosmic rays, solar activity (sunspots and solar winds), earth-sun orbital variations, earth planetary phenomena...electro-magnetic field effects, plate tectonics, volcanism, ocean currents and heat transfer etc. Mention the above in a candidates' forum and eyes will glaze over. Most journalists are too lazy to do any independent research. They've already bought into the 'bilge' peddled by Al Gore. Hence, the 'gotcha' question designed to portray one as a 'crazy apostate' who doesn't believe in science. You want a name? Try Dr. Michael Crichton. "


"A former White House space program policy advisor, NASA headquarters
consultant and space shuttle engineer, John L. Casey, author of Cold Sun, just issued a press release today in St. Petersburg, Florida, to officially announce the sea levels are no longer rising. He also discusses polar bear politics, among other climate hoaxes:"

As union dues go to support what is now a far left democrat party, so does the global warming industry. As bad as this aspect of it is, it's not the worst part about this criminal enterprise. ed.

P.S. To Rick Perry's campaign: Please inform yourself about the global warming racket. This is the biggest problem we face and it must be defeated. Up until the so-called debates, Perry's declared view of global warming was the single best thing about him. Romney is a big business guy above all which is the essence of the global warming cartel. He will fold to them no matter what he says at the 11th hour. If Perry doesn't stand up strongly on this there won't be enough difference between him and Romney and Romney will win.


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