Friday, August 19, 2011

Why would Rick Perry associate with the phony Grover Norquist?

Update, #3, 8/27, "Ace asks: "Ummm... we're not allowed to talk with Grover Norquist anymore, Pam? Can't sign his anti-tax pledges?" Actually, it's the other way around: is it really necessary to play ball with Norquist in order to come out for cutting taxes? Is there no candidate who will have the courage to endorse his tax policies but distance himself from him because of his Islamic supremacist ties?"..."Perry Mafia Punked, "Beclowned" Indeed," Atlas Shrugs, Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer

Update #2, 8/27, Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs reaffirms Rick Perry-Norquist associations. I read on a Republican site that in effect anyone who has a problem with Norquist might as well say good-bye to a Republican winning the White House in 2012. This is another example of why the establishment GOP destroyed itself, the country, and lifetimes of work and sacrifice. ed.

Update, 8/24, Atlas Shrugs stands by statements about Rick Perry, his association with the Aga Khan, and his school curriculum. On the Grover Norquist association, a defender of Perry's said Norquist was "very powerful." How do people get powerful? They look around and say, hey Rick Perry likes the guy, they go on vacation together, etc.

8/18/11, "Why shouldn’t Rick Perry’s Islamic ties be vetted?" Robert Spencer, JihadWatch

"And so we see first of all that Perry and Grover Norquist held a joint press conference in March 2011. Perry appeared at a fund-raiser for Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform group. Also, Norquist actively campaigned for Perry back in 2009. Their association is longstanding: Perry was investigated by the Texas Ethics Commission in 2004 for allegations that the Governor illegally used campaign money to finance a trip to Bahamas; the point here is not the allegations, but the fact that along on the Bahamas trip at his own expense was Grover Norquist. Perry and Norquist are clearly not just casual acquaintances.

As David Horowitz pointed out several years ago, Norquist has worked with “prominent Islamic radicals who have ties to the Saudis and to Libya and to Palestine Islamic Jihad, and who are now under indictment by U.S. authorities.” Among them was Abdurahman Alamoudi, who was once the most prominent and powerful “moderate Muslim” in Washington, and is now in prison for helping to finance an al-Qaeda plot to assassinate the Saudi king, whom jihadis consider to be inexcusably lax in his Islamic observance (primarily in allowing infidel American troops onto the sacred soil of Saudi Arabia during the first Gulf War). Alamoudi gave Norquist’s Islamic Institute, a gambit to try to garner Muslim votes for the Republican party, a $10,000 loan and a $10,000 gift.

Norquist is unrepentant; he continues to partner with Islamic supremacists. Is this the sort of man our next president should be associating with? Does Perry really need Norquist to carry over his tax-cutting message? Does he know about Norquist’s unsavory ties? Does he care? Do Republican candidates need Norquist so much that they have to put up with his taint?

Why can’t such questions even be asked? And why can’t Perry’s ties to the Aga Khan likewise be investigated? The Ismailis are a peaceful sect; however, what Pamela Geller uncovered in her article on Perry Wednesday ought to raise at least a few eyebrows even during the current Perry pep rally. Geller reveals in her article that in 2008, the Aga Khan Development Network signed three agreements with the Syrian Government, and that “between 2003 and 2008,” the Aga Khan’s group “spent $40 million to develop business in Syria.”

Syria has been listed by the State Department as among the State Sponsors of Terrorism since December 29, 1979, and, as Geller notes, “for years has allowed the jihad terror groups Hamas and Hezbollah to operate with impunity out of Damascus.”

Nor is that all. Another Aga Khan organization, the Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development, is one of the owners of the Bank al-Habib in Pakistan. In 2007, Daniel Pearl’s widow Mariane sued that bank, charging that it had funded al-Qaeda and was involved in killing Daniel Pearl. Those charges

  • have never been answered."

8/18/11, ""Adios, Mofo!"" Atlas Shrugs, Pamela Geller

"My articles (here and here) on Rick Perry have generated a lot of heat. The right loves him and has newly anointed him "the one." And I, too, love his tough talk on the Fed, his talk-back to the boulevardier in the White House, etc. I want a tough guy, and the country needs a tough guy.

But here's the thing.
Perry is so tough. Cock of the walk, cowboy strut Perry-shooting-feat and all that jazz, right? So where is he on jihad, foreign and domestic? He panders to Muslims and the Islamic narrative, which is fine if you are going to shoot straight and call out the stealth jihadists and the ideology that inspires jihad. We need tough talk on the greatest national security threat this country faces.

The Holy Land trial, the largest terrorist funding trial in our nation's history, was prosecuted in his state. Hundreds of Muslim Broterhood proxies were named un-indicted co-conspirators (i.e. CAIR, MAS, ICNA, ISNA, et al) in that trial. Their prosecutions were scuttled by Obama's Department of Justice. What has Perry said of such sedition? Where is the tough talk and no-nonsense stance on the supremacists' narrative? Where does he stand on sharia legislation and the DoJ's challenge to anti-sharia laws?...

We must have a candidate who is brave, unafraid to speak truthfully of the stealth jihad. We suffered under Bush after he caved leftist/Islamic pressure and abandoned the Bush doctrine. We tolerated way too much Bush appeasement. And then four years of a Muslim Brotherhood stooge in the White House has left us badly damaged. The Brotherhood is on the march, emboldened by our weaknesss. The idea that Hamas front group CAIR would demand a sitting Congressman cut ties with counter jihadists and voices of freedom indicates how bad things are. According to an internal captured document entered into evidence in the Holy Land trial, their stated goal is "eliminate and destroy Western civilization from within."

  • And they are barking orders to a decorated vet? Nuts, indeed."...

via Atlas Shrugs, photo above from Atlas Shrugs

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