It's the VOTERS, stupid. A novel concept.
8/8/11, "The Boehner Recovery," Weekly Standard, Fred Barnes
"For House speaker John Boehner, Tea Party Republicans weren’t the problem as he sought support for a package of spending cuts attached to an increase in the debt limit. The biggest impediment to a House majority was Republicans fearful a primary opponent would use a vote to boost the debt limit against them.
House Republicans with Tea Party connections were divided, most siding with Boehner. Still, Boehner was left as many as 10 votes short of the 216 needed to win passage of his debt ceiling bill. None of the Republicans opposed to the measure would budge."...
(I consider Fred Barnes an Obama Republican so don't usually post his material. I did in this case because he corroborated a detailed report showing murderous, terrorist Tea Partiers weren't the problem. ed.)
Only 10 Tea Party freshmen voted against Boehner deal:
7/30/11, "Gang of 22," NRO, Andrew Stiles
"House Speaker John Boehner’s (R., Ohio) deficit reduction plan passed the House on Friday, but just barely (218 to 210). Even with the last minute addition of measure requiring that Congress pass a balanced-budget amendment before a second installment of new debt can be authorized, 22 Republicans voted ‘nay.’ Ironically, despite the media’s insistence that Boehner was facing a “freshman uprising,” only 10 new members voted against the plan. Out of the 38 members who signed a pledge promising not to vote for a debt increase absent the full enactment of “Cut, Cap and Balance,” only 18 ultimately stay true to that pledge. Of the 22 members who voted no on Friday, only one (DesJarlais) supported the Obama-Boehner “budget deal” negotiated in April. Here’s a breakdown."...
via Lucianne/com
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