Saturday, August 20, 2011

Tea Partiers doing jobs old-time media absolutely refuses to do

Ryan Rhodes (pictured below) is the founder of the Iowa Tea Party. (para. 2)
"The media take great pride in being there to protect us, to ask the tough questions, to be the voice of the people. Just watch their promos about themselves. They are constantly pitching their civic minded vigilance while patting themselves on the back so hard as to break their collective arms.

As it ends up, tea party members have to go out and do their jobs for them.

Ryan Rhodes, a tea party member in Iowa asked the president why he stood silent as his vice president called tea party members “terrorists” and then he tried to pin down the Elusive One on a balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Obama then brought the discussion back to himself (surprise, surprise) and complained about some of the names he’s been called. Correct me if I’m wrong here, but of all the names George W. Bush was called during the 8 years of his administration, I can’t recall him complaining about it. He just took it, it came with the job. It is incomprehensible to me that the President of the United States of American would complain to a private citizen about the names he is supposedly being called. Obama also went on the offensive and accused Rhodes of not “listening.”

But, back to those in the media. These are the questions they should be asking POTUS. If they were doing their jobs they would’ve demanded a response from him long ago on these issues and when he wormed his way through a non-descript, generic answer, they would’ve done tough follow-ups and exposed his unwillingness to answer. That’s what the media is supposed to do.

ABC’s Good Morning America used a short clip of the video and referred to Rhodes as

  • “unruly.” Really? Unruly?

Rhodes faced the president straight up and dignified and called him on the carpet. It was a marvelous thing to watch a private citizen stand up and do this. Meantime the media panders, ignores and evades doing its job. My guess is that for the most part they will probably ignore this exchange between the President and Rhodes because — well, because they consider it wrong on so many levels. Rhodes is a tea party “terrorist,” he dared confront Dear Leader, and they know they don’t have the guts or desire to confront Obama as they should.

If the media had the ability to be embarrassed, it would be."





"liberal media lies and bias

NPR's version of the confrontation contains its usual superior, sneering disdain for those with whom they disagree politically.

"Obama denied the charge which Biden has denied, too. Then Obama appeared to be about to suggest that his critics could dish it out but couldn't take it, when a woman who appeared, like Rhodes, to be an Obama opponent interjected, saying that Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano also referred to 'right-wing extremists' as a threat. Then the woman told the president: 'You do realize that 90 percent of domestic terrorist attacks are done by left-wing environmental radicals?' Obama didn't touch that and probably a good thing. He wasn't going to win that argument since the woman's 'facts' appear to have been pulled from thin air. Experts on domestic terrorism say that while ecoterrorists pose some threat, it's attacks by extremists with far right-wing views that most worry scholars and law enforcement."

They then link to a CNN article article which ACTUALLY says:

"The greatest threat of large-scale attacks come from individuals and small groups of extremists who subscribe to radical Islamic or far right-wing ideologies, said Gary LaFree, director of the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism, or START...""


lady kystyna

""ABC’s Good Morning America used a short clip of the video and referred to Rhodes as “unruly.” Really? Unruly?"

After finally having a chance to watch the video of Rhodes, ABC thinks that's unruly. Then what would they call the London riots?"

photo from Big Journalism

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