Sunday, August 28, 2011

Rick Moran says right of center Americans who oppose the GOP Establishment are "anti-science Luddite" "galoots" with "dirty fingernails"

Commenter says of Rick Moran, "Somebody who is willfully blind to what is going on in this country is part of the problem."

8/27/11, "The Travails of the GOP Establishment," Pajamas Media, Rick Moran

Rick Moran is a good example of a Republican Party that destroyed itself, the country, lifetimes of work and sacrifice, and was happy to remain in the minority. He writes frequently for American Thinker which is astounding considering the article he wrote on Pajamas Media. Many who visit AT would find themselves among those Moran disdains as having "dirty finger nails" and being "anti-science." He terms such people "the right wing" or "the Tea Party."

Moran describes his group's superiority over non-Establishment right of center Americans:
  • "civilized,
  • witty,
  • urbane,
  • educated,
  • well-read,
  • bow-tie-wearing
  • public intellectual
  • and Washington insider."
So Moran considers us uncivilized, boring, uneducated, uninformed, and not intellectual. Has Moran ever heard of Andrew Breitbart? He also mistakenly considers us "a minority" within those who would vote on the GOP line. Possibly wishful thinking.

Moran says we, his opponents, have "righteous certainty in their views and pedal-to-the-metal hate for their political opponents that grips a large segment of the right."

"Pedal to the metal hate?" Moran has it exactly backwards. He projects his own hate. With all the serious problems facing our country, Moran focuses elsewhere:

"The establishment doesn’t refer to Obama as a “Communist” (although they may refer to his “socialist policies”), nor do they make reference to Obama as a “dictator.”
What mostly defines an establishment member these days is the level of disdain exhibited toward Tea Partiers, the evangelical right, and the anti-science Luddites and anti-intellectual galoots who make up a sizable minority of the GOP base and who threaten to determine who will face Barack Obama in 2012.

The prospect of denim-wearing, dirty-fingernail, rank-and-file activists actually having an impact on the nominating process for the GOP presidential candidate has the establishment wringing their hands and scrambling to find another candidate more in line with their idea of governance. Take their money? Sure. Direct their energies into volunteer efforts for candidates? Absolutely.

But let them decide who should represent them as a candidate for president? Perish the thought."...


3 Comments to Moran's article on Pajamas Media

"7. cfbleachers

"If ever there was an Exhibit A as to how to throw away the opportunity to salvage the wreckage that is this land of ours from the insane policies of unchecked leftism, it is this execrable piece of mindless drivel.

Let me be open here, I find some portions of the “argument” here to have validity. In fact, I personally lean toward a “thinking man’s candidate” such as Ryan or Daniels.

Peppered in this road apple essay, however, are the snide hallmarks of a weak, limp and lame assault on those who don’t buy the fraud of global warming, or the front of “centrism of the hardcore leftists in the current administration.

One need only to ignore the pictures posted by Zombie of the march of the union comrades, the work of Stanley Kurtz unveiling the Midwest Academy, New Party, Cooper Union, etc. brigade…and a series of hires unveiled by Christian Adams on these very pages.

Because, heaven forbid…someone might see far left ideology…and call it that, which would offend the delicate sensibilities of those who “know better” and are the “intellectual betters” who must suffer the indignity of hanging out with the “dirty fingernail” crowd of “the little people of the extreme right”.

I find myself in an awkward space here. It infuriates me to read some imbecile going off on “RINO’s” whenever yet another social issues trap is set and leg snare snaps shut…sending the country into a spasm of ridiculous chatter about a near irrelevancy while the country inches toward economic collapse.

On the other hand, some self-annointed braying ass, wheezes out how “stupid” non-leftists are for not buying into the global warming hoax or for pointing at the radical extremism rampant in the Soros, Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Frank Marshall Davis, lineage of EVERY policy put forward by this administration.

Pointing at extremism….provokes the assault of “extremist” by the feeble-minded and myopic curators of “reasonableness”. Oh, brother.

Let me be clear. If you think this administration is not extreme after reading Kurtz, Horowitz, Christian Adams and Zombie…if you believe that global warming wasn’t an agenda rather than pure science…you have no credibility on national issues.

I may prefer Ryan or Daniels…but, I would take a bowl of split pea soup and vote for it over the radical extremists on the left that have seized power and nearly brought this country to the brink of collapse. And I would be honored to buy those “dirty fingernails” a beer any time…rather than sit with a prissy, self-absorbed, myopic who can’t see the danger in rampant, unchecked leftism that endangers this land of ours each and every day from now until November next year."



Spot on.

The Ruling Class and ankle biters like Moran recognize no boundaries when defending their own.

Somebody who is willfully blind to what is going on in this country is part of the problem. They can man the guillotines instead of being in them."


"44. K.T.

“It’s that these apostates don’t possess the uncompromising fervor of righteous certainty in their views and pedal-to-the-metal hate for their political opponents that grips a large segment of the right.”

Interesting article Rick – until I got to this paragraph at least. Your understanding of who and what we are seems to slip between the neurons of your left-leaning brain. Once again for your benefit Rick, its the LEFT that carries hate and discontent for their political opponents. You offer up that line with NO PROOF at all of hatred on the part of the right. What it does prove is where your loyalties lay – establishment republicanism.

And FWIW there is little difference between G. Will K. Rove (or R. Moran) and the power brokers on the left. Each want power above all else – and will say and do anything to the opposition (us, I.E. Tea Party) to keep themselves in power.

Their attitude is to control how they lose so they don’t lose control.

Rove is the perfect example – having savaged Christine McDonald on national tv (Hannity) in a way that even most leftists never would to one of their own kind. Rove makes money from dispensing power and advice – take that away and Rove becomes irrelevant. Rove will do and say anything to keep his relevancy. ANYTHING. G. Will is no different.

And so it seems – Mr. Moran – you will too. I ask you to to take back that nasty line I quoted from your article.""


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