Friday, August 26, 2011

Official Bloomberg secularization of 9-11 tenth anniversary ceremony is moral victory for its perpetrators, the Islamists


"So if the attacks weren’t secular events, wouldn’t an official secularization of the 10th anniversary ceremony be a moral victory for the perpetrators?"...Mayor Bloomberg has always said Islam had nothing to do with 911 (para. 8).

8/25/11, "Prayers at Ground Zero," NY Post Opinion

"Besides, he (Bloomberg's aide) wondered, which religion -- or religions -- would get to be represented? Wouldn’t those denied a spot be offended?

And therein lies the real problem.

Given the circumstances, the presence of clergy of one faith tradition -- Islam -- almost certainly would spark controversy, which the city would clearly like to avoid.

But it can’t fairly be avoided.

It’s an undeniable fact that the 9/11 attacks were planned and carried out by fanatics in service of an extreme form of Islam. They were motivated, too, by hatred of those who embrace other religions, or none at all -- as Americans are wont to do.

So if the attacks weren’t secular events, wouldn’t an official secularization of the 10th anniversary ceremony

  • be a moral victory for the perpetrators?

Besides, in the immediate aftermath of the attack, many Americans sought comfort in religion. Yankee Stadium hosted an interfaith ceremony less than two weeks later.

Just as first responders and the military figured prominently in America’s response, so did clergy. That’s undeniable.

It makes scant sense for a 10th-year anniversary ceremony to obscure those facts by excluding them.

That the format shunned religious leaders and prayer in the past is hardly grounds to do so yet again: If it was a misguided course then, it’s worse now.

Bottom line: Officials planning major events involving clergy face similar challenges all the time.

And manage to overcome them....

Frankly, it’s hard to see any reasonable cause to bar, say,

  • an opening invocation."...

10/27/2005, Florida school district bans all religious holidays after Muslim requests for an additional day of their own

7/30/2010, "Hillsborough public school calendar includes changes for 2010-2011," St. Pete Times

10/2006, Christmas play cancelled in Florida public school

12/4/08, "Primary school cancels nativity play because it interferes with Muslim festival of Eid," UK Daily Mail

3/20,11, "'This case (in Florida) will proceed under Ecclesiastical Islamic Law'," American Thinker, Thomas Lifson


3/20/11, "Sharia law has come to Florida," by Tom in Florida

"In effect, due process in an American court is being denied and Sharia law is being imposed


8/13/10, "What Obama [and Bloomberg] Got Wrong About the Mosque," Daily Beast, Sam Harris

"Mayor Bloomberg said, “It is my hope that the (Ground Zero) mosque will help to bring our city even closer together and help repudiate the false and repugnant idea that the attacks of 9/11 were in any way consistent with Islam.” He has since said that anyone opposed to this project “ought to be ashamed of themselves.” "...(para. 8)


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