Tuesday, August 30, 2011

ObamaCare repeal favored by majority of US voters. Only group that loves ObamaCare is politicians-Rasmussen

8/29/11, "Health Care Law, Voters Express Stronger Enthusiasm for Health Care Repeal," Rasmussen Reports (Aug. 27-28 poll)

"The number of voters who Strongly Favor repeal of the national health care law ties the highest level reached in several months, as most continue to believe the law will push up health care costs and the federal deficit.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely U.S. Voters shows that 57% at least somewhat favor repeal of the health care law, including 46% who Strongly Favor repeal. Thirty-seven percent (37%) at least somewhat oppose repeal, with 25% who are Strongly Opposed. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Overall support for repeal is up two points from last week. The percentage of voters who Strongly Favor repeal ties the record high last reached in July. The last time this finding was higher was in mid-March when 51% Strongly Favored repeal....

"Most Mainstream voters (64%) think the law will increase the deficit, but
(Since it's already public knowledge that it will increase the deficit, most of the 'political class' is either ignorant or liars. ed.)

5/23/11, "The Political Class continues to strongly oppose repeal, while most Mainstream voters favor it. A plurality (47%) of those in the Mainstream still think repeal is likely;
  • 74% of Political Class voters disagree."...
5/23/11, "Health Care Law," Rasmussen Reports

8/18/11, "The Obama administration now admits Obamacare will not reduce health care costs. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a report last month indicating health care costs will rise faster under Obamacare than they would have in its absence."...

8/8/11, "ObamaCare or America?" Dr. Milton R. Wolf, Washington Times


12/12/2010, "The Target of the Terrorists Has Always Been Our Economy," American Thinker, T.L. Davis

via Weasel Zippers

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