Monday, August 1, 2011

Trump says Obama won big--got the only thing that mattered-debt deal goes past 2012 election,Trump on CNBC

Establishment GOP to America: DROP DEAD. The only thing that mattered was not kicking the can down the road until after the next election, but that's what the GOP did. They love that Obama. Actually their first priority is sticking it to ordinary Americans and letting them know who's boss.

8/1/11, "Donald Trump: Debt Deal Is ‘A Joke’ And Only Thing Obama Fought For Was Re-Election," MediaIte, Mark Joyella

"In an interview on CNBC this morning, Donald Trump described the weekend debt deal as “a joke” that ultimately doesn’t solve the nation’s economic problems. Trump told Squawk Box’s Joe Kernan “eventually you have to balance the budget, and this is a long way from balancing the budget, it’s a joke. It’s a down payment at best.” Trump said President Obama did get something “that was fantasticbecause he got the deal past the election…the fact is, if this were going on sometime prior to the election,
  • he would have zero chance of re-election.”

Trump suggested to Obama, pushing any debt debate until after the 2012 electionnot dealing with the economy–

  • was the President’s key objective.

The establishment GOP is thrilled. All they want is to re-elect Obama and for ordinary Americans to leave them the hell alone. ed.


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