Sunday, August 21, 2011

Karl Rove destroyed the Republican Party and the country, gave us Obama, and should retire in shame. Instead, he's desperate to stop Rick Perry

Karl Rove, worse than any democrat, has brought great harm to this country and continues to do so. His number one priority is to prevent us from getting the candidate we need. He was so destructive even George Bush had to get him out of the White House years before his term was up.

8/20/11, "American Way: Getting ugly in Texas – Karl Rove and the Democrats desperate to stop the Rick Perry posse," UK Telegraph, Toby Harnden

"In the past few days, Karl Rove, President George W. Bush’s long-time consigliere and an erstwhile hate figure on the Left, has been welcomed back into polite society. Democrats who previously thought the only place Rove should be was in jail have been murmuring approvingly about his wisdom and moderation.

At the same time, Left-wingers whose only debate about Bush over the past decade has been whether he was stupid, evil or a lethal combination of both, are suddenly citing the former president’s “compassionate conservatism”. The Huffington Post’s Howard Finemann noted that he was better read and more thoughful than previously given credit for and now seemed “like Pericles”.

The change of heart has been prompted by the appearance on the national scene of Governor Rick Perry. He was branded as “not presidential” by Rove, chiding him for his “very unfortunate comment” in suggesting that it would be “almost treasonous” for Ben Bernanke , chairman of the Federal Reserve, to print more money before the 2012 election. Perry had added that Bernanke might get treated “pretty ugly” if he visited Texas....

They first sought to marginalise Mr Perry, the longest-serving governor in Texas history and a man who has presided over the creation of a million jobs under his stewardship of the state, as a Bush clone.

Now Democrats now seem to have decided to portray him as crazier than that nice, centrist Mr Bush. The establishment media has eagerly followed suit. Speaking on PBS, the Washington Post’s Karen Tumulty declared that while Bush’s conservatism was “born very much of hope and affirmation” while Perry’s was “born very much of anger”.

Under the guise of ensuring Republicans don’t choose a candidate too extreme for the general election, Mr Rove has been an eager ally in this....

People close to Perry were quoted as calling Mr Bush a “country club” Republican while those in Rove’s circle dismissed Perry as a lightweight.

Late in the Bush presidency, Perry let slip his view that “George has Never, ever been a fiscal conservative” – a view shared by the Tea Party but seen as near traitorous by Rove. Just last week, Perry eagerly pointed out that Bush was a Yale graduate while he had gone to Texas A & M.

In 2010, the Bush family and circle of advisers backed Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison in her attempt to unseat Perry by running against him in the Republican primary. Relishing the chance to strike back, Perry unleashed a barrage of negative ads against her and won an easy victory....

The Texas governor’s rough edges or some other factor may yet be his downfall. But the approach of the Perry posse signals not just a threat to Obama’s White House but also to the Republican ranch that Rove built for Bush. If Perry’s first week on the campaign trail is anything to go by, he’s prepared to set them both alight."


10/22/10, "Karl Rove's Flameout" The Daily Beast, Matt Latimer

via Lucianne

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