Thursday, August 25, 2011

In Obama books says he found solace in grievance and animosity against whites, would stand with Muslims if political winds kicked up

'Post racial Obama:' On Sunday, 10/10/2010, "at a rally in Philadelphia before a mostly black Obama attacked Republicans, saying "they're counting on… black folks staying home." What message was the "great unifier" attempting to send to black America?"...
8/24/11, "Obama Hangs Painting In White House Depicting Black Girl Being Taunted By Whites During 1960s…" Weasel Zippers

8/24/11, "You think he even realizes it was his own party that was enforcing segregation? Or the KKK was made up of Dems led by ex-Democratic Senator Robert Byrd?"

Picture is entitled, "The problem we all live with," and it includes vile racist slurs and graffiti.

Politico article claims Obama has been "low-key" on racial issues, 8/24/11, "Norman Rockwell painting sends rare White House message on race" Josh Gerstein (Mr. Gerstein should remember his own reporting on the New Black Panther case, or other items like Obama DHS offering taxpayer money to towns to run an anti-terror drill as long as white Americans are depicted as the terrorists.
Commenter to WZ with quotes from Obama books:

"Sickofislam says:


From Dreams From My Father :
“I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother’s race.”

From Dreams From My Father:
“There was something about her that made me wary, a little too sure of herself, maybe and white.”

From Dreams From My Father:
“It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names.”

From Dreams From My Father:
“I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn’t speak to my own. It was into my father’s image, the black man, son of Africa , that I’d packed all the attributes I sought in myself: the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela.”

And FINALLY ………… and most scary:

From Audacity of Hope:
I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”"


3/1/11, "Eric Holder: Black Panther case focus 'demeans my people,'" Politico, Josh Gerstein

Reference: 10/22/10, "Washington Post blockbuster confirms worst fears about Holder Justice Dept. Race Policies," Andrew Breitbart,

9/27/11, "New Black Panther Party case: The facts are in," Washington Post, Right Turn, by Jennifer Rubin

Following 4 articles relate to testimony of Christopher Coates (a democrat appointee) in Sept. 2010. 2 headlines refer to him as an "Ex, or Former Justice official", others frame him a person in the present, describing him as a "Justice official" or "Prosecutor"
The report delivered to congress was the result of many months of investigations, subpoenas, and stonewalling. Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post published portions of the lengthy report on 1/27/11. Among many details, an Obama DOJ appointee, Julie Fernandes, said they would enforce voting regulations on a selective basis. Later, Ms. Fernandes was prohibited from answering questions:

"...Evidence of malfeasance by an Obama political appointee, Julie Fernandes:

Mr. [Chris] Coates [who headed the NBPP trial team] came forward and testified to the same statements having been made by Ms. Fernandes--statements made pursuant to a directive she conveyed to members of the Voting Section that the race of violators and victims is an appropriate consideration in the Division's enforcement decisions.

The uncontroverted testimony of Messrs. Coates and [former DOJ attorney J. Christian] Adams also identify Ms. Fernandes as having explicitly told a brown-bag lunch gathering of the entire Voting Section that the administration would not enforce the list maintenance provisions of Section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act ("NVRA").

He also explains, "The Department declined to allow Ms. Fernandes to answer questions about these allegations herself when it ultimately refused to honor the Commission's subpoena for her appearance. For her part, when asked directly by reporters,

  • Ms. Fernandes declined to comment."

Woven throughout these documents is a blistering rebuttal of the statements of Democratic commissioners who have done their best to ignore or misconstrue evidence, come up with belated and fanciful theories that not even the DOJ raised,

  • and to vilify the career attorneys who came forward to provide sworn testimony....
The documents are lengthy and can be accessed on the commission's Web site. I will highlight a few of the most salient passages.

Todd Gaziano, a political independent, provides an overview:

After a year of DOJ's intransigence and baseless refusals to comply with our subpoenas, two Department attorneys bravely defied orders to testify before the Commission....

"Although hampered by the Department's refusal to allow the Commission to interview DOJ trial attorneys or produce the exhibits, witness statements, and other evidence in the possession of DOJ, the Commission held its first hearing on April 23, 2010 relating to the facts on Election Day 2008 in Philadelphia and whether there was a sufficient basis to file the original charges. Three eye-witnesses, including the prominent civil rights attorney Bartle Bull, provided powerful and convincing testimony that the former defendants had engaged in intimidating conduct, and that voters had turned away from the polling place rather than walk within a billyclub swing of the entrance. Congressman Frank Wolf testified regarding his concerns about the case and his frustration with the lack of DOJ cooperation."

On pages 11-16 Gaziano details DOJ's stonewalling efforts, including the assertion of bogus claims of privilege."....
9/24, Politico, "Prosecutor alleges Department of Justice bias," by Josh Gerstein, via Powerline
Obama DHS gives taxpayer money to US municipalities for staging elaborate terror drills. Among conditions DHS required for an Iowa drill to get cash, terrorists had to be white Americans.

3/24/11, "County, DHS officials stage mock terror exercise featuring 'anti-immigration' shooters," New Media Journal


10/12/2010, "So much for the 'post-racial' president," UK Guardian, Lloyd Marcus

"Barack Obama shamelessly played the race card in Philadelphia this weekend. Yet the liberal media give him a free pass."...

10/10/2010, To Phil. crowd Obama says Republicans are counting on "union folks staying home and black folks staying home" from voting in the upcoming election.

8/17/11, "Big Sis’ Latest Terrorists: More White Americans," InfoWars, Paul Joseph Watson

via WZ

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