Monday, August 29, 2011

Ground Zero Imam says US must incorporate Sharia law into its legal system to achieve integration with Islam-Herald Scotland

8/28/11, "Ground Zero imam gives Scotland his recipe for successful multiculturalism," Herald Scotland, by Vicky Allan

"AMERICA’S most controversial imam – the man at the centre of the storm over plans for the “Ground Zero Mosque” in New York last year – flew into Edinburgh yesterday to tell the Festival of Spirituality and Peace that greater integration between Islam and the West depends on the incorporation of Sharia law into the legal systems of the UK and the United States as well as Muslims adopting the culture of their host countries."...
  • (First paragraph is from Herald Scotland website. Subsequent paragraphs available via free registration. I've copied them from a posting on Atlas Shrugs. ed.)
"Many see Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf as an Islamic moderate even though he has been vilified in the US press as an apologist for radical Muslims. In an interview with the Sunday Herald, Rauf said he believes the world is in the grip of a “dangerous myth” and “self-fulfilling prophecy” that “Islam and the West are at war. But the real battleground is not between Islam and the West, but between the wise, fair-minded people of all faith traditions and the extremists.”

Although he is a pro-US imam who has argued that America is the embodiment of Islam’s ideal society, Rauf became a hate figure in the US over the so-called Ground Zero Mosque. The plan offended relatives of the victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, and led to a US pastor proposing a “Burn a Koran day”....

An essential element of this interweaving of cultures, he says, will have to be the incorporation of Sharia law into the legal systems of Europe and the US. In this, he is in agreement with the Archbishop of Canterbury who said that the adoption of some aspects of Sharia law

  • “seems to be unavoidable”.

Rauf points out that “the only truly clashing area is the penal code, and no Muslim has the intention of introducing that to America. The penal code is the area that people in the Western world are worried about – but these are things that aren’t even observed today in most of the Muslim world. Apart from the Taliban and a few places like that, where do you see this happening?”"...


We've already had Sharia honor killings and female genital mutilation in the US. Dec. 6, 2010 LA Times, Sharia's penal system is growing in popularity in other countries-not decreasing. Pew Study below with chart, popularity of brutal Sharia. 2010 BBC report, Afghan Pres. Karzai spokesman said stoning could be done but must go through proper channels....Libya's new constitution draft calls for Sharia law. Video of stoning to death in August 2010 in Afghanistan--very graphic. (details below). 7/8/10, Stoning to death in Iran of a woman accused of adultery "is expected any day now...under Article 105 of the Islamic Penal Code....Stoning as a method of execution... still exists on the law books in Afghanistan, Iran, sections of Nigeria, Pakistan, Sudan, and the United Arab Emirates." (7/8/10). 85% of Pakistanis would approve segregating men and women in the workplace.

As Pamela Geller notes

"Rauf does not and cannot point to a form of Sharia that does not contain the mandates for stoning, amputation, etc. So how firm and honest can his assurance that Muslims have no intention of bringing all that here really be? We're already seeing honor killings and female genital mutilation in America. Why shouldn't the rest follow when all of this is justified by Sharia?"...


2/11/11, "Pew Global Attitudes Project" conducted 4/12/10-5/7/10, released 12/2/10

"The population of Egypt is approximately 80.5 million,
  • 90% of which is Muslim (mostly Sunni)."...
Of the 90% of the Egyptian population that is Islamic:
  • 77% support whippings and cutting off of hands for crimes like theft and robbery
  • 84% support the death penalty for those who leave the Muslim religion
  • 20% support suicide bombing in defense of Islam"...
via American Thinker, 2/12/11, "Pew Poll offers insights in Egyptians," K.E. Campbell ------------------------

Libya's draft constitution calls for Sharia law:

8/22/11, "Libya made safe for Sharia?" American Thinker, Andrew Bostom

"The salient feature of Libya's
new draft constitution is Part 1, Article 1:

"Islam is the Religion principal source of legislation is Islamic Jurisprudence (Sharia)."

Once again, we appear to be witnessing a regional Muslim phenomenon which the prototype Algerian jihadists of the 1990s formulated with succinct candor:

Islamic state by the will of the people."


Video emerged of public stonings to death in Afghanistan from August 2010. Onlookers yelled Allah Akbar! as they threw huge stones at a burka covered woman drenched in blood. A Pew Poll shows increasing enthusiasm for stoning among Islamic populations.

1/27/2011, "Afghanistan Officials Promise Investigation After Video Surfaces of Stoning Deaths,"

"In the video a Taliban leader explains to a crowd of roughly 200 people last August that a couple deserves to die because they were committed to other people when they eloped together.

WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT: Click here to see a very graphic version of the video.

WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT: Click here to see a less graphic version of the video.

Dozens of men then throw rocks at the woman, who stands in a four foot hole, while yelling “Allah akbar.” But despite being clobbered for two minutes by countless large stones that left her burqa soaked in blood, the woman, identified as Siddqa, survives the stoning and is eventually shot by a spectator with an AK-47.

The man, Khayyam, is then brought out, blindfolded and subjected to an even more ferocious attack with even larger stones as he lies face down on the floor.

Khayyam reportedly was married with two children when he ran off with Siddqa who was in another relationship against her will. Reports vary as to whether she was engaged or married.

Men in the area are allowed to have up to four wives, so the couple was lured back with the false promise that they would be allowed to marry.

Regional police chief Gen Daoud Daoud told the BBC that special investigators would be sent to the region to find the perpetrators in the video and bring them to justice."...

"Hundreds of people attended the stoning but no-one was charged....


In a 2010 BBC report Karzai said stoning could be done but must go through proper channels:

"A spokesman for Afghan President Hamid Karzai, Waheed
Omar, said if the incident (stoning to death) was confirmed it would be condemned in the strongest terms by the government. This month the Taliban also reportedly flogged and killed a pregnant widow in western Baghdis province."...


"It (stoning) still exists on the law books in Afghanistan, Iran, sections of Nigeria, Pakistan, Sudan, and the United Arab Emirates."... . (A BBC article linked in the above story conveys it as unique to the Taliban, which is not accurate).

7/8/10, "Where is stoning legal, and how is it done?" MSNBC and news service reports

  • Stoning is part of sharia law in many places.
"It still exists on the law books in Afghanistan, Iran, sections of Nigeria, Pakistan, Sudan, and the United Arab Emirates.
  • ...Ayatollah Shahroudi, the head of Iran’s judiciary, 2002 said stoning should no longer exist in Iranian law.
Despite Shahroudi’s stance, stoning continues to remain on the law books in Iran and ---------------------------
12/6/10, "Majority of Muslims want Islam in politics, poll says," LA Times, Meris Lutz

Ground Zero Mosque Imam speaks on July 12, 2005 at a Prime Ministerial Centre Public Lecture in Australia.
  • "We tend to forget, in the West, that the United States has more Muslim blood on its hands than al-Qaeda has on its hands of innocent non Muslims…
  • --------------------
3/21/2004, "West must act to end jihad: Imam," Sydney Morning Herald, Frank Walker

"The US and the West must acknowledge the harm they have done to Muslims before terrorism can end, says an Islamic cleric invited to Sydney by Premier Bob Carr.

New York-based Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, who impressed Mr Carr at an international conference last year, arrives in Sydney today for two weeks of meetings and public talks.

Speaking from his New York mosque, Imam Feisal said

He said there was an endless supply of angry young Muslim rebels prepared to die for their cause and there was no sign of the attacks ending unless there was a fundamental change in the world."...


bin Laden said in Dec. 2001 the goal was "destruction of American economy".
  • His mission was accomplished well before his death.
12/28/01, "Osama: Hit U.S. Economy," NY Daily News, H. Kennedy

"In his latest video message after three months on the lam, a gaunt Osama Bin Laden urged Muslims to wage economic holy war against a "fragile" America. "It is important to concentrate on the destruction of the American economy," Bin Laden says on the 33-minute tape, broadcast in full yesterday by Al Jazeera TV in Qatar. "If their economy ends, they will become too busy to enslave oppressed people." Bin Laden bragged that the attacks caused losses of "more than a trillion dollars on the New York market and elsewhere." "This economic hemorrhaging continues until today but requires more blows. And the youth should try to find the joints
  • of the American economy and hit the enemy in these joints.""

9/7/11, "Islamic-American Group: Link Between 9/11, Muslim Religion Must Stop,"

These guys should really get their stories straight. I guess they think since politicians buy their act the people will too. These losers in Chicago should check the latest-the Ground Zero Imam says the US needs to have sharia -which we always knew was their intention.

via Atlas Shrugs

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