Friday, August 12, 2011

Billionaire NYC Mayor Bloomberg says everyone should pay more taxes not just the rich. Says Medicare, Medicaid, and military should be cut

Billionaires are generous when it comes to spending Joe LunchPail's money.

8/12/11, "Mayor calls for uniform tax hikes for everyone to reduce nation's deficit," NY Post, David Seifman

"Taxes should be increased for everyone -- not just the rich -- to break the logjam in Washington over how to reduce the nation's towering deficit, Mayor Michael Bloomberg declared today.

"The easiest thing to do, the fairest thing to do, is a small percentage on everything," the mayor recommended on his weekly WOR radio show.

"So if you want to raise taxes, don't pick one class of people and say, 'I think they have too much money,' or 'I don't think they have enough money' or whatever. Raise everybody's taxes 1 or 2 percent, whatever it was."

Bloomberg said an across-the-board tax hike could short the rancorous debate that's made the federal government "dysfunctional."

"The practicality of getting something done, where you pick and choose, will tie us up forever," he warned.

The mayor offered the same remedy on the cut side, with evenly distributed reductions in Medicare, Medicaid and military spending.

"We can sit here forever and say we're going to reform the tax code, we're going to reform how Medicare's done. You will never get it done," he argued."...


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