Monday, August 8, 2011

'Beat Whitey Night' at Wisconsin State Fair 'smashing success' a year after 'Beat Whitey Night' at Iowa State Fair!

"Beat Whitey Night” a Smashing Success at Iowa State Fair" Point ‘em Out. Knock ‘em Out in Burlington, Iowa, Associated Content

8/8/11, "Lessons from a Milwaukee Mob," American Thinker, John F. Di Leo

"On August 4, 2011, the opening night of the Wisconsin State Fair, the worst race riot in Wisconsin history occurred. As darkness fell over the amusement park area known as the Midway before closing time, hundreds of young blacks swarmed out into the parking lot, seeking out white fairgoers to attack -- pulling people off their bikes, out of their cars, to knock them to the ground and beat them: with fists and whatever blunt instruments they had handy."...

photo 2005 Wisconsin State Fair by Sulfur


8/24/10, "Beat Whitey Night" At Iowa State Fair," The Smoking Gun


8/8/11, "The Taboo on Mentioning Black Mob Violence," American Thinker, by John Bennett


"FeralCat Today 02:22 AM

There is no racism in America today that causes more harm than these mobs

Actually there is. It is the racism of Barack Obama, who by what he has chosen to say and do, and by what he has chosen not to say and do, has clearly given a green light to this. He is the anti-Martin Luther King. If this were decades ago and his skin was lighter, he would be a KKK Imperial Wizard. To race relations, he is as the plague.

The Race Card is the most rapid-fire, all purpose, over used and abused, ad hominem and vapid weapon of smear, mass deception and diversion ever conceived by man. It is a weapon under which weak minds are servilely crouched and can be fired with the greatest of ease by even the most reason and integrity challenged, and in fact, was designed especially for use by them. It is void of justice. It is void of liberty. It needs no footing in rationality. It is, in plain and clear fact,


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