Friday, July 8, 2011

House GOP votes to give $9 million per day to Obama Libya so-called war

7/7/11, "House vote lets Obama continue U.S. Libya deployment," Washington Times, Stephen Dinan

"The House on Thursday gave implicit approval to President Obama to continue his deployment of American military forces to support the NATO mission in Libya, turning back repeated efforts to end U.S. involvement."...


NY Daily News cover of Obama, 3/29/11 selling Obama and the lie that his war in Libya "is over."

"Operations legitimated by the United Nations Security Council," says Obama. Islam has achieved its goal of destroying the US economy. Since no one is upset about it, why shouldn't Obama push the envelope? He promised Libya would be just days, not weeks or months, the NY Daily News even screamed, "it was over" on March 29. Who cares about Libya's brutal racism against blacks? Not Obama or his golf buddies in congress.

6/16/11, "Obama's unauthorized war on Libya costs $9,421,000 a day: Are you getting your money's worth?" LA Times, Andrew Malcolm

"The Obama administration is spending almost $9.5 million every single day to blow things up in Libya because the president has determined that is in the country's national interest, this country's national interest, not Libya's."...


The federal government is unapologetic organized crime. This may be accepted in Europe and other places but it's not accepted here. We will keep voting these people out until they get the message. ed.


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