Thursday, July 21, 2011

Violent hate speech from Obama-fan Journolisters on his election night, Spencer Ackerman, Eric Alterman especially


7/21/10, "Obama wins! And Journolisters rejoice," Daily Caller, J. Strong

From Journolisters' email Obama election night, 2008:

"JEFFREY TOOBIN, THE NEW YORKER: As a side note, does anyone know what prompted Michael Barone to go insane?


SPENCER ACKERMAN: Let’s just throw Ledeen against a wall. Or, pace Dr. Alterman, throw him through a plate glass window. I’ll bet a little spot of violence would shut him right the fuck up, as with most bullies.

JOE KLEIN, TIME: Pete Wehner…these sort of things always end badly.


Nov. 12

MICHAEL HIRSH, NEWSWEEK: so many of you still seem tied down to your old ideological moorings. on the early evidence obama is not similarly tied down on any level, whether diplomatically or economically (or politically: note his big-tent approach to joe lieberman). a post-ideological presidency — what a novelty, and what a relief! but this new obamian world view, i fear, also puts many of you who are part of this group in danger of imminent irrelevance. cheers, mike hirsh"...


Someone named Andy Barr just moved from the Politico to the Democrat Party, so I thought of browsing some old Journolist comments.
7/24/10, "JournoList: 107 Names Confirmed (with news organizations)," Buckeye Texan, Free Republic (more names were added after this date)

Here are affiliations of Spencer Ackerman and Eric Alterman as of Obama's election night:

"Spencer Ackerman – Wired, FireDogLake, Washington
Independent, Talking Points Memo, The American Prospect

Eric Alterman – The Nation, Media Matters for America"...

Tolerance, compassion, and civility of the radical left.


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