Sunday, July 17, 2011

Video of man and woman stoned to death in Afghanistan, stoning still law on books in at least 6 Islamic countries, Pew poll shows popularity

Video emerged of public stonings to death in Afghanistan from August 2010. Onlookers yelled Allah Akbar! as they threw huge stones at a burka covered woman drenched in blood. A Pew Poll shows increasing enthusiasm for stoning among Islamic populations.

1/27/2011, "Afghanistan Officials Promise Investigation After Video Surfaces of Stoning Deaths,"

"In the video a Taliban leader explains to a crowd of roughly 200 people last August that a couple deserves to die because they were committed to other people when they eloped together.

WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT: Click here to see a very graphic version of the video.

WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT: Click here to see a less graphic version of the video.

Dozens of men then throw rocks at the woman, who stands in a four foot hole, while yelling “Allah akbar.” But despite being clobbered for two minutes by countless large stones that left her burqa soaked in blood, the woman, identified as Siddqa, survives the stoning and is eventually shot by a spectator with an AK-47.

The man, Khayyam, is then brought out, blindfolded and subjected to an even more ferocious attack with even larger stones as he lies face down on the floor.

Khayyam reportedly was married with two children when he ran off with Siddqa who was in another relationship against her will. Reports vary as to whether she was engaged or married.

Men in the area are allowed to have up to four wives, so the couple was lured back with the false promise that they would be allowed to marry.

Regional police chief Gen Daoud Daoud told the BBC that special investigators would be sent to the region to find the perpetrators in the video and bring them to justice."...


In a 2010 BBC report Karzai said stoning could be done but must go through proper channels:

"A spokesman for Afghan President Hamid Karzai, Waheed Omar, said if the incident (stoning to death) was confirmed it would be condemned in the strongest terms by the government. This month the Taliban also reportedly flogged and killed a pregnant widow in western Baghdis province."...


"It (stoning) still exists on the law books in Afghanistan, Iran, sections of Nigeria, Pakistan, Sudan, and the United Arab Emirates."... . (A BBC article linked in the above story conveys it as unique to the Taliban, which is not accurate).

7/8/10, "Where is stoning legal, and how is it done?" MSNBC and news service reports

  • Stoning is part of sharia law in many places.
"It still exists on the law books in Afghanistan, Iran, sections of Nigeria, Pakistan, Sudan, and the United Arab Emirates.
  • ...Ayatollah Shahroudi, the head of Iran’s judiciary, 2002 said stoning should no longer exist in Iranian law.

Despite Shahroudi’s stance, stoning continues to remain on the law books in Iran and


1/26/11, "Afghan police pledge justice for Taliban stoning," BBC, Q. Sommerville

"Hundreds of people attended the stoning but no-one was charged.....

The video begins with Siddqa, a 25-year-old woman, standing waist-deep in a hole in the ground....

The stoning lasts two minutes. Hundreds of rocks - some larger than a man's fist - are thrown at her head and body. She tries to crawl out of the hole, but is beaten back by the stones. A boulder is then thrown at her head, her burka is soaked in blood, and she collapses inside the hole....

A Taliban fighter steps forward with a rifle and she is shot three times.

Then her lover, Khayyam, is brought to the crowd. His hands are tied behind his back. Before he is blindfolded he looks into the mobile phone camera....

The attack on him is even more ferocious. His body, lying face down, jerks as the rocks meet their target. He is heard to be crying, but is soon silent....

Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid defended the sentencing.

In a telephone interview he said: "Anyone who knows about Islam knows that stoning is in the Koran, and that it is Islamic law.

"There are people who call it inhuman - but in doing so they insult the Prophet. They want to bring foreign thinking to this country.""...


12/6/10, "Majority of Muslims want Islam in politics, poll says," LA Times, Meris Lutz

"A majority of Muslims around the world welcome a significant role for Islam in their countries' political life, according to a new poll from the Pew Research Center, but have mixed feelings toward militant religious groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah.

According to the survey, majorities in Pakistan, Egypt, Jordan and Nigeria would favor changing current laws to allow

  • stoning as a punishment for adultery,
  • death for those who convert from Islam to another religion.
About 85% of Pakistani Muslims said they would support a law
  • segregating men and women in the workplace.
Muslims in Indonesia, Egypt, Nigeria and Jordan were among the most enthusiastic, with more than three-quarters of poll respondents in those countries reporting positive views of Islam's influence in politics"...


2/11/11, "Pew Global Attitudes Project" conducted 4/12/10-5/7/10, released 12/2/10

Of the 90% of the Egyptian population that is Islamic:
  • 77% support whippings and cutting off of hands for crimes like theft and robbery
  • 84% support the death penalty for those who leave the Muslim religion
  • 20% support suicide bombing in defense of Islam"...
"The population of Egypt is approximately 80.5 million,
  • 90% of which is Muslim (mostly Sunni)."...

The Visalia Times in California published a letter from an Islamic woman who said Arnold's mistress should be put to death, and some countries would stone her to death :

6/1/2011, "Unfaithful wives should be put to death," Shamci Rafani [...]

[If the above link is inactive, here is a letter to the Visalia Times responding to the Islamist lady.

6/16/11, "United States is a more tolerant place," letter to the Visalia Times by Carla Epstein

"In many countries, including mine,
when a man makes such a mistake as Arnold did and fathers a child, the law makes him be the father and take the responsibility.

But the woman who had been aware of her wrongdoing, and yet had done it without any shame or fear, must be punished severely.

Yes, in many countries, the public will

  • stone that woman to death.

Believe me, that might be the right answer to the behavior of these kind of loose women, who want to blame it all on men.

My main question is, how many more families have to be destroyed?

How many families have to lose their hap-piness and their dignity "because of these loose women? And how long would it take for

  • lawmakers to keep these loose women responsible for their own actions?
These women are doing it without any shame and embarrassment as long as the media and the society, in general, are accepting them with open arms, as if they had been victims....

These women not only must not be awarded, but they must pay for destroying the happiness and the future of their victims, especially this woman who lived with the family and had become a member of that family.

These slut women do not know how to say no. To my judgment, these women who freely sleep with married men must be severely punished and

If the lawmakers do something about it, you will find less stories like Arnold's."


The letter and sharia are discussed by a panel on Fox Business News.


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