Wednesday, July 20, 2011

US Senate back-slappers to mandate more abandoned and crime ridden neighborhoods as middle class forced out by removal of mortgage deduction

If you see abandoned and overgrown properties in crime ridden formerly nice neighborhoods now, you've seen nothing yet. The back-slapping media darlings in the US Senate aren't done knifing the people it so despises in the back, the American middle class.

7/20/11, "Gang of Six gambit revives spending shell game," American Thinker, Thomas Lifson

"But "savings" promised beyond the current congress are meaningless, since no Congress can obligate a future Congress's ability to spend (or do anything else). In return, they are asked to buy into higher taxes, many of them in the form of "tax reform" eliminating "loopholes" such as the mortgage interest deduction. (If you think housing prices have crashed, just
  • wait until mortgages are no longer deductible.
I can think of no better way to further devastate the residential construction industry and the personal wealth
  • of the middle class.)"...
"In a Bloomberg TV interview, Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) talked about his unlikely friendship with President Obama despite being "polar opposites."

Said Coburn: "I love the man."...

Above, Feb. 24, 2009, Getty

Which is fine, but there are 3 branches of government. Coburn (one of the Gang of Six) was elected to care first about American citizens. He got the job confused. Presidents are multimillionaires set for life and have no worries. The American people are hanging by a thread and need Senators to care about them. This is today's lesson on why the Tea Party came to exist. ed.


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