Sunday, July 3, 2011


Now Obama is bombing Somalia, and sending $45 million US tax dollars worth of equipment to other African countries such as Uganda and Birundi--"Al Qaeda" can pop up anywhere on the planet, including many African countries--Obama's pals at the NY Times earnestly tell us:

7/2/11, "U.S. Expands Its Drone War Into Somalia," NY Times, Mazzetti and Schmitt, via Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

"An American military drone aircraft attacked several Somalis in the militant group the Shabab late last month, the officials said, killing at least one of its midlevel operatives and wounding others.

The strike was carried out by the same Special Operations Command unit now battling militants in Yemen, and it represented an intensification of an American military campaign in a mostly lawless region where weak governments have allowed groups

  • with links to Al Qaeda to flourish.

The Obama administration's increased focus on Somalia comes as the White House has unveiled a new strategy to battle Al Qaeda in the post-Osama bin Laden era, and as some American military and intelligence officials view Qaeda affiliates in Yemen and Somalia as a greater threat to the United States than the group of operatives in Pakistan who have been barraged with hundreds of drone strikes....

The Pentagon is sending nearly $45 million in military supplies, including night-vision equipment and four small unarmed drones, to Uganda and Burundi to help combat the rising terror threat in Somalia." ...


Is 'terror' back?


Proof from this NY Times article that bombing Somalia is a joke: the Obama administration justifies it by pointing to the radical Somali community in Minneapolis as reason to bomb Somalia. These groups in the US could have been stopped long before they grew in power and numbers.

Obama has never viewed radical Islam as a problem in the US. He specifically avoided mentioning them as a threat, instead cited dangers of "returning US military veterans":

NY Times: "More than 30 Somali-Americans from cities like Minneapolis have gone to fight in Somalia in recent years. Officials say they fear that Qaeda operatives could recruit those Americans to return home as suicide bombers."...




4/16/09, "Napolitano-DHS Terror Report Is No Way to Treat Veterans," US News and World Report, Mary Kate Cary

6/19/2009, "Minnesota’s Somali Madness," Duncan Hengest

4/4/2009, "Sharia's Plump Target in Minnesota," Dearborn Underground


Where are the screaming anti war protesters? The only thing that will change violent Islam is if millions of people renounce it along with its pedophilia, general child abuse, and Sharia law, and join the human race.

Congress is fine that strung out American tax payers must give even more to Obama and the Soros/UN crowd. Endless wars are the best way to strangle the US to death.



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