Monday, July 4, 2011

PolitFact rates democrat statement about Florida Gov. Rick Scott False, rates Gov. Scott's statements Mostly true and Half true


Democrats lied about Rick Scott's jobs record at 7 months in office, per Politifact. Following are 3 statements, two by Gov. Scott which they rate Mostly True or Half True, followed by a False statement by democrats. (Politifact is owned by the liberal St. Petersburg Times):

7/3/11, "Job growth under Scott depends on the numbers,'' Miami Herald, B. Bowers, St. Petersburg Times writer

"With Gov. Rick Scott and Florida Democrats at odds over job growth, PolitiFact Florida took a look at the numbers to find the truth.
"The statement: “Since I took office, we’ve created 76,800 jobs.”

Gov. Rick Scott, June 17, in a press statement

The ruling: Scott accurately cites federal Bureau of Labor Statistics data. But the suggestion that Scott is responsible for job growth is overblown.

We rate this statement Mostly True.


The statement: “In May we generated more jobs than all the rest of the country combined: 28,000 jobs in May for the state, 54,000 for the entire country.”

Gov. Scott, June 23, in comments to reporters after a bill signing

The ruling: Scott accurately summarizes employment data using one measure. But if you look at the numbers another way, Florida actually lost jobs in May.

We rate this claim Half True.


The statement: “Rick Scott has destroyed over 100,000 jobs.”

Florida Democratic Party Chairman Rod Smith, June 28,

in an e-mail to supporters

The ruling: The statistic relies on future projected jobs, and ignores labor statistics that show employment overall is up.

We rate it False."

via, Image of 'False' Meter from PolitiFact Florida

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