Thursday, July 21, 2011

Obama knew he was lying about his mother's medical coverage for cancer because he was the attorney she hired to handle insurance matters

"Obama should have known this because he is the attorney she hired to represent her against the insurance company.
"...It is a slap in the face to cancer sufferers and terminal patients everywhere who have suffered what he lied about so he could be set up for life. Obama knew he could say anything because the media would never check.

7/21/11, "Under the hammer," Rhino Times, John Hammer

"No doubt some reporters were shocked, shocked to find that President Barack Hussein Obama had misled the public about his own mother's death to gain a political advantage.

There was never any doubt that Obama's mother had full medical coverage to treat her terminal cancer. It was disability coverage, not health care coverage, that she was fighting with the insurance company over. Obama should have known this because he is the attorney
  • she hired to represent her against the insurance company.
But it's not a very convincing argument in favor of government health care to say that his mother was fully covered with her insurance and her expenses were paid right up until her death, except for a few hundred dollars a month.

But the mainstream media will continue to let Obama say whatever he wants whether there is
  • any truth to it or not."...


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