Friday, July 1, 2011

Obama all time low among poor, scores better among the very rich-Gallup Poll

6/30/11, "Gallup: Obama Hits All-Time Low Among Poor; Approval Comparatively Highest Among Rich," CNS News, Terence P. Jeffrey

President Barack Obama’s approval has hit an all-time low among the poorest Americans, according to the Gallup poll. Meanwhile, when compared to the other income brackets reported by Gallup,
  • Obama's approval is highest among the richest Americans.

In the week of June 20-26--the most recent week published by Gallup--only 45 percent of Americans in the lowest income bracket reported by the polling company (those earning less than $2,000 per month) said they approved of the job Obama was doing as president.

Gallup publishes the president’s weekly approval numbers among Americans in four income brackets: those earning less than $2,000 per month, those earning between $2,000 and $4,999 per month, those earning between $5,000 and $7,499

  • and those earning more than $7,500.

In Gallup's most recent survey, Obama had majority approval in none of these income brackets.

However, of the four, his approval was highest--47 percent--in the richest bracket, those earning more than $7,500 per month.

His approval rating last was 42 percent among those earning $2,000 to $4,999 per month and 43 percent among those earning $5,000 to $7,499 per month.

Prior to last week, when it hit an all-time low of 45 percent, Obama’s approval rating among the poorest bracket reported by Gallup had never dropped below 47 percent. It had hit that level twice: first in the week of Nov. 8-14, 2010; then again in the week of April 25-May 1.

In addition to being at an all-time low among the poorest Americans, Obama’s approval rating is also nearly at an all-time low among the next poorest group of Americans reported by Gallup, those who earn between $2,000 and $4,999 per month. The only time his approval among this group was lower than the 42 percent it was last week was in the week of Aug. 23-29, 2010, when it dropped to 41 percent.

According to Gallup, Obama’s highest approval rating among the poorest Americans came in the week of March 16-22, 2009, just two months after he was inaugurated and one month after he signed his $787-billion economic stimulus law. That week, his approval was 68 percent among Americans earning

  • less than $2,000 per month.

In March 2009, the unemployment rate in the United States was 8.6 percent. This month, it is 9.1 percent."

via Weasel Zippers

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