Saturday, July 16, 2011

NJ democrats elevate tribalism, ethnopandering, racism, to divert needed attention from issues affecting everyone-Save Jersey blog

7/14/11, "Atlantic County (NJ) Dems Play 2 Race Cards, 1 Gender Card, and 1 Religion Card!" Save Jersey blog, Brian McGovern

"In a display of what is likely to continue, the Atlantic County Democrats put out a press release to announce their county slate that can only be described as shameless…ok…maybe shameful as well.

It is no secret that Democrats in New Jersey practice ethno-pandering when selecting their candidates, but this is just too much. They actually put out a release that said,

Unlike the all-white Republican slate of nine men and one female, our slate comprises candidates from Atlantic County’s African-American, Hispanic, and Jewish communities and includes a female candidate for the state Legislature and the freeholder board.

This is the kind of race politics that you stoop to when the top of your ticket is Jim Whelan and you have no faith that anyone running can actually articulate a position on the issues. I don’t know who any of these candidates are, and frankly I don’t care, and neither should the voters. According to the Atlantic Dems, all that matters is that they are black, hispanic, jewish, and women.

The thing that Democrats do not seem to understand is that all New Jerseyans, of all races, ethnicities, genders, and religions are paying too much in taxes! It is pretty clear that Whelan is going down this year to Vince Polistina, and he is likely to drag the rest of the “diversity” ticket down with him. Atlantic County voters are smart enough to realize that voting for Republicans in 2011 is a vote for lower taxes and some fiscal sanity,

  • regardless of their race…"

7/14/11, "What is Jim Whelan Hiding?" Save Jersey blog, Ed Sheppard

"So by now you’ve all heard that State Senator Jim Whelan is the highest paid part-time swim teacher in the long and proud history of part-time swim teachers. Whelan’s knowledge of the breast stroke apparently commands a six figure salary, while teachers in his district who teach stuff not as important as swimming, like math, make less. Plus, there are the rumors we have all heard that Whelan doesn’t accept health benefits from his multiple government jobs, just the cash that would have spent to buy the benefits.

What you may not know is that for the 12 years Whelan was running Atlantic City into the ground mayor of Atlantic City, his school district pulled some funny business by giving him a 12 year leave of absence (on a year by year basis to boost his pension and salary), then rehired him when he lost his election, no questions asked, then gave him a 20% raise only a year after he was rehired. All so he could teach swimming for an hour or two a day. Something is clearly wrong here.

And this is where things get worse. Assemblyman and State Senate candidate Vince Polistina decided he wanted to cast some light onto these shady operations. So, as is every taxpayers’ right, he filed an Open Public Records Act (OPRA) request with the Atlantic City Board of Education (ACBOE) to find out about the benefits for cash rumors and the shady pay raises. In fact, he has filed it three times. And three times, he has been told that the public information he requested which, by law, is supposed to be public, must remain private. Whelan’s friends on the ACBOE are protecting him by claiming that they cannot say whether or not Whelan received cash in-lieu of benefits because it would violate HIPPA rules about revealing medical history....

Luckily, we will find out because Polistina isn’t letting this slide. His campaign is filing a “Denial of Access Complaint” with the New Jersey Government Records Council, and has informed the ACBOE via letter its intent to sue the ACBOE if they do not follow the law and disclose the records we all have a right to see.

Jim Whelan has famously said that he SHOULD be treated like everyone else. Its about time we find out if he is."


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