Monday, July 18, 2011

NBC Today host Ann Curry almost weeps to the Dalai Lama about poor Obama who wasted $1 trillion out of the gate and passed no budgets


If NBC host Ann Curry cares so much about America's well-being, why isn't she upset that Obama failed to pass a budget when he had overwhelming majorities in congress? The fact is, Obama has no 'fierce' opponents among GOP leaders. She need not worry.

7/18/11, "NBC's Curry Touts Dalai Lama Giving 'Comfort' to Obama During 'Fierce Struggle' With GOP," NewsBusters, Kyle Drennen

NBC Today Show host Ann Curry says Obama "was offered comfort" by the Dalai lama on the so-called debt discussions. She doesn't mention Obama transferred $1 trillion in taxpayer money out of the economy within weeks of taking the job, and later joked about it, or the budget Obama submitted in May 2011 was defeated 97-0, not even adoring democrats voted for it. And that he failed to pass a budget in 2010 despite having democrat majorities in both branches of congress, overwhelmingly so in the House? And that so-called GOP leaders are dying to accommodate Obama and are anything but 'fierce' opponents.

NBC/GE's Curry: ""The President is in a fierce struggle with his political opponents over the future of the nation's finances. What is the best way, your best advice, in how to find compromise with those you
  • deeply disagree with?""

5/30/11, "Washington is Broken, and Needs Leadership. Where is President Obama?" Senator Ron Johnson,

On the 97-0 vote against Obama's budget submitted in May 2011:

"This is a stunning indictment of the President’s lack of leadership and seriousness. I don’t know how many thousands of man-hours that over four inch thick, 2400-page budget document took to create, but it was a total waste of time and resources. That is a very sad fact. Instead of acknowledging this failure, the Administration and members of the President’s party have been viciously demagoguing the only other budget plans offered, and engaging in a concerted effort to scare the American public and financial markets over the debt ceiling limit."


7/18/11, "Now We See It All. Mitch McConnell’s Pontius Pilate Act Is Cover for Tax Increases," Erick Erickson,


12/8/2008, "Barack Obama unveils $1 trillion economic stimulus package," UK Telegraph, Harnden


6/14/11, "Obama's Lie About Shovel-Ready Stimulus Jobs is Tragic, Not Funny,"

via GWP, Breitbart TV, Newsbusters, photo Newsbusters

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