Friday, July 29, 2011

John Boehner plan forces funding of ObamaCare, a stunning slap in the face to all Americans

George Bush was so bad there were almost no Republicans elected to the House in 2008. Therefore the fluke crime of ObamaCare was able to pass. We got the House back for the GOP in 2010, but they told us to shut up and leave them alone. They didn't ask for the new people we gave them and were happy in the minority.

7/29/11, "The Worst Negotiators," Erick Erickson,

"Frankly, the House Republicans have turned this vote into a cult of personality vote. It is not about saving the Republic, fighting Obama, or cutting the debt. And you remember that when they vote for it.

John Boehner has convinced House Republicans that they are both getting a good deal and that if it fails, Boehner himself is in jeopardy. So House Republicans will vote for the plan, see the Senate either kill it or butcher it, and then be stuck. It’s all about John Boehner now — nothing else.

To console themselves, Boehner is going to give House conservatives their balanced budget amendment language and then have them do the very thing they

  • promised they’d fight — fund Obamacare.

Yes, you see that’s the dirty little secret glossed over by everyone. John Boehner’s plan contemplates Obamacare’s continuation. And House Republicans will sell their souls today for a balanced budget amendment that the Senate will strip from the plan in the best case scenario.

I think the House Republicans are the worst negotiators, but doggoneit — imagine if John Boehner had been half as aggressive with the Democrats as he has been these past 24 hours with House conservatives.

Oh, and I still don’t think anyone can answer this question: if the House GOP only controls one half of one branch of the federal government and has no power, why the hell do they keep throwing plans against the wall hoping something will stick?


11/4/10, ""The Ruling Class of the Republican Party doesn't want conservatives having any kind of a foothold, any success, or any leadership in the party...It appears to me they're perfectly happy being in the minority
  • if it means not supporting conservatives....
Apparently the establishment Republicans will fight harder and more viciously to stop conservatives than to stop Obama and the left. "...
  • 11/4/10, Rush Limbaugh, from his transcript

7/25/11, "Trump: If There Is A Default, Americans Will Blame ‘One Name And That’s Obama’," MediaIte, Matt Schneider

Trump: "The Republicans hold all the cards."....


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