Friday, July 15, 2011

Commenter seeks poker game vs Obama, thinks he's a poor 'bluffer'

By saying, 'Don't call my bluff,' Obama admits he's bluffing.

7/14/11, "Obama Blunders, Admits Bluffing on Debt Ceiling," American Thinker, Jerry Shenk

"President Obama made a startling admission yesterday. In a careless moment, Obama admitted that he is bluffing House Republicans in the current debt ceiling/cost cutting meetings.

There is no other way to characterize the event.

Before abruptly abandoning the latest negotiations in a fit of pique, the president warned House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.): "Don't call my bluff."

Translation: "I'm bluffing, dammit! I'm not very good at it, OK? But you better give me what I want anyway!""


Commenter to AmericanThinker article:

"curved space

He uses words and doesn't know what they mean. I've said before I'd love to face him across a poker table. He's a fish. He just has a deep deep chip-stack that reaches into all our pockets.

Just about every utterance he makes, now and always, has had some facile allusion or reference that he applies inappropriately or incorrectly. And this time with a threatening tone. But if the loyal opposition should point that out or otherwise leverage it it's they who are mean-spirited. It's time the GOP stopped being afraid of this. It's getting too dangerous to let this go on.

In normal times this meeting would be one of those events where everyone leaves the room glad-handing and back-slapping, even if they haven't finalized a deal. They'd smile and say they were close and they're working on it and there's only a few details to work out, even if there wasn't, and then they'd smile more of those cheesy political smiles. You don't stamp out like a child. Actually, what it's really like is some Commie faction in one of those pathetic unevolved

  • Obama at Copenhagen where he was being humiliated.


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