Saturday, July 9, 2011

The bad jobs number is your fault--economic and financial experts on John Batchelor show say economy is fine if only people weren't such tightwads

These guys on the soup line aren't really broke, they're just being 'cautious.' The have plenty of money but have been told it's not a good time to spend it (per experts). John Batchelor is happier, perhaps more popular and less impecunious selling hatred and division- so he's not about to disagree, seminary background notwithstanding.

Expert guests on the John Batchelor show over many months have said the systemic unemployment problem is mainly stubborn consumers. They say people have money but look around and see other guys aren't spending so they think they shouldn't. This goes for both greedy businesses as well as selfish consumers. Paul Vigna of Dow Jones was the one saying it Friday night on JB's show, but there have been many others. An oily JB favorite usually on Monday nights would likely say the guys lining up for soup aren't really broke, they're just trying to make Obama look bad.

July 10, 2011, Batchelor emphatically informs listeners that current US economic problems "are not Obama's doing." (Personally, I believe George Bush and others deserve to be in jail for what they did to the American economy). But you have to be desperate to say that Obama is not at fault in the face of a mountain of evidence to the contrary, when he has done only what would make things worse since day 1, and has no intention of changing his ways.


UPDATE, 7/18/11, Here is a article claiming it really is the consumer's fault, that the Wall St. Journal "proves it":
I looked at the opening of the Journal story (subscription). The story is the results of a questionnaire put to 53 economists. This is the "proof?" More economists? So-called economists have been completely wrong during Obama's entire tenure so why are they right now? In fact, why haven't they all been fired? The Salon writer thinks that wraps it up, done deal, that the economy can only happen if forced with money from the government. The Salon writer (like John Batchelor and his group of glamorous in-crowd friends who can't say the name George Soros) believes more government spending would solve the problem by 'creating demand.' Ask these guys to tell you exactly where the money is coming from that they want the government to give out. They can't tell you. Articles about the bad economy say the numbers are "unexpected" because most if not all of 'economists' surveyed keep guessing incorrectly. This is not a secret. It is hilarious. They keep being wrong and keep being 'surprised.
  • According to Keynes, you could transfer other peoples' tax receipts anywhere and it would trigger a successful economy. Fine.
What happens when this bunch of money runs out? OK, you give out more money, transferring it from productive citizens to whatever. If government gives it out to someone, that is merely redistributing the fruits of someone else's labor. You give Joe's money to Jim, Jim spends it. Money gone. Now needs more money. Now go back to Obama who says, I just gave you all the money I had. Keynes has never worked-assuming a thriving economy is what you want. That isn't what they want. They want a justification for re-structuring society. I know people who have the same emotional make up as the Salon guy and the 'economists.' This is the most polite way I can describe them. For them to be wrong would destroy the self image and fantasy life they have constructed for themselves over generations. Which is the individual is nothing without government, and government (run by them) is good. And they are good and know everything.


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