Monday, June 27, 2011

Obama TSA forces dying, 95 year old woman to remove soiled adult diaper, was impeding TSA perv search. A 4th amendment violation

Republicans who are thrown out in 2012 should wonder if the reason was their failure to do whatever necessary to stop TSA molestations. If a Republican president had started these searches, screaming riots and protests would long since have ended them as a violation of the 4th amendment.

6/25/11, "Elderly woman asked to remove adult diaper during TSA search," Northwest Florida Daily News

"A woman has filed a complaint with federal authorities over how her elderly mother was treated at Northwest Florida Regional Airport last weekend.

Jean Weber of Destin filed a complaint with the Department of Homeland Security after her 95-year-old mother was detained and extensively searched last Saturday while trying to board a plane to fly to Michigan to be with family members

  • during the final stages of her battle with leukemia.

Her mother, who was in a wheelchair, was asked to remove an adult diaper in order to complete a pat-down search.

“It’s something I couldn’t imagine happening on American soil,” Weber said Friday. “Here is my mother, 95 years old, 105 pounds, barely able to stand, and then this.”

Sari Koshetz, a spokeswoman for the Transportation Security Administration in Miami, said she could not comment on specific cases to protect the privacy of those involved....

Weber’s mother entered the airport’s security checkpoint in a wheelchair because she was not stable enough to walk through, Weber said.

Wheelchairs trigger certain protocols, including pat-downs and

  • possible swabbing for explosives, Koshetz said....

Weber said she did not know whether her mother had triggered an alarm during

  • the 45 minutes they were detained.

She said her mother was first pulled aside into a glass-partitioned area and patted down. Then she was taken to another room to protect her privacy during a more extensive search, Weber said....

She said security personnel then came out and told her they would need for her mother to remove her Depends diaper because it was soiled and was

  • impeding their search.

Weber wheeled her mother into a bathroom, removed her diaper and returned. Her mother did not have another clean diaper with her, Weber said.

Weber said she wished there were less invasive search methods for an elderly person who is unable to walk through security gates....

Koshetz said the procedures are the same for everyone

  • to ensure national security.

TSA cannot exempt any group from screening because we know from intelligence that there are terrorists out there that would then exploit that vulnerability,” she said.

Weber filed a complaint through Northwest Florida Regional’s website. She said she received a response from a Homeland Security representative at the airport on Tuesday and spoke to that person on the phone Wednesday.

The representative told her that

  • personnel had followed procedures during the search, Weber said.

“Then I thought, if you’re just following rules and regulations, then the rules and regulations need to be changed,” she said.

Weber said she plans to file additional complaints next week.

I’m not one to make waves, but dadgummit, this is wrong. People need to know. Next time it could be you.”"


These searches are in violation of the 4th amendment

11/29/10, "Pat down or profile: time for Uncle Sam to stop groping and “get a grip”, Historeo, Bill Brewer

"The Fourth Amendment protects citizens against unreasonable searches. An unreasonable search is any search conducted without “probable cause.”

TSA has obviously been violating the Fourth Amendment for a long time. It’s time to stop the abuse.

“Probable cause” is all about probabilities.

Some things indicate a higher probability of being a terrorist. Some things don’t.

The probability of an elderly, widowed, Caucasian, female, native U.S. citizen being a terrorist is close to zero.

But the probability of a young, unmarried, Muslim, Arab, male, native of Saudi Arabia being a terrorist is reasonably high.

So searching the elderly lady would be unreasonable. But searching the young Arab would not. In the latter case, failure to do so would be reckless.

Of course there’s another name for making distinctions between young Arab men and elderly White women. It’s called “profiling.”

Some call it unconstitutional. The Fourth Amendment sees it as a hedge against unreasonable searches."

–"Bill Brewer"


4/13/11, "Parents Say TSA Made It Clear “There Would Be Trouble” If They Refused To Allow 6-Year Old Daughter To Be Groped," InfoWars, Steve Watson

6 year old girl broke down crying after aggressive private area groping by Obama TSA. photos via Atlas Shrugs


With Obama, black racial anger and violence have deepened. Obama's has brought record high unemployment for black men. And no objection to their violent mobs.

6/26/11, "Peorians living in fear," Group of African American youths say 'we need to kill all the white people', Peoria Chronicle,

A group of 60-70 African American youths ran through the neighborhood saying things like "we need to kill all the white people" as they surrounded cars on the street, assaulted at least one resident, ran onto people's porches and threatened them. Only one police man showed up and they shouted epithets at him. Mobs like this have been occurring a few times a month. There aren't enough police to stop them, so residents have been told

Eyewitness account of Paul Wilkinson, President of Altamont Park Neighborhood Assn.


6/25/11, "War Zone?" The Peoria Anti-Pundit


Increasingly uncivil behavior of the left including racism ensues because Obama supports it. He is on record that wielding a deadly weapon at a polling place is just fine.

6/14/08, "Obama: ‘If They Bring a Knife to the Fight, We Bring a Gun,’"

Above, 11/4/08, Obama election day, Philadelphia voter polling place. New Black Panthers stand near front door, one brandishing a deadly weapon. US civil rights attorneys have sought prosecution of this case for over two years, but Obama refuses to allow it. His attorney general, Holder, says the above incident was nothing compared to what "his people" went through.

1/27/11, "New Black Panther Party case: The facts are in," Washington Post, Right Turn, by Jennifer Rubin


5/10/11, "Employment rate for black men at record low," Yahoo News, Zachary Roth

via Atlas Shrugs and Gateway Pundit

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