Saturday, June 4, 2011

Obama booed in Toledo giving boilerplate speech about bumps in the road


Speaking on 6/3 at Wrangler factory in Ohio, informs workers there will be bumps in the road even a Wrangler would have a tough time with. Boos, at :12. He mistakenly claims in the speech that he fixed the automobile industry which can't be true as his own report says we were robbed of $14-$16 billion:

6/2/11, "The White House said Wednesday that taxpayers could lose roughly $14 billion of the money spent on auto industry bailouts, despite the industry's recent recovery.

The White House cites the potential losses in a report, "The Resurgence of the American Automotive Industry," released ahead of President Barack Obama's trip Friday to a Chrysler Group LLC facility in Toledo, Ohio.

The report said that of the $80 billion in bailout money supplied to the auto industry, less than 20%, or $16 billion, ultimately may be lost. That's down from the 60% loss projected two years ago, the report said. The White House's top auto and manufacturing adviser, Ron Bloom, later specified the loss at closer to $14 billion."...

6/2/11, "Auto Bailout Cost $14 Billion,", Josh Mitchell

via WZ, and GWP

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