Friday, June 3, 2011

Mitt Romney missed the bus again--Howie Carr

6/3/11, "Poor Mitt Romney! He missed the bus, again," Boston Herald, Howie Carr

Mitt Romney got beaten up by a girl yesterday.

OK, so it’s not PC to call the former governor of Alaska a girl, but you know what I mean. Sarah Palin big-footed Romney big-time, not to mention Rudy Giuliani, who last night was in Dover, N.H., where he couldn’t have gotten arrested even if he’d tried. But for Palin, yesterday was mostly about putting a pie in Mitt’s face.

As one of my listeners put it: “Romney has RomneyCare. Palin has no PalinCare. Advantage: Palin.”

Poor Mitt. She hit him over the head like he was one of those giant halibut she occasionally gaffs on her Alaska reality TV series.

Mitt came across like one of those French generals before World War II, building the Maginot Line, preparing for the last war. He was going to prove he was hep (as opposed to hip). Why, he watches “American Idol,” whose ratings have gone down faster this year than Anthony Weiner’s trousers. And he reads the “Twilight” series. One of Mitt’s consultants should tell him, if he wants to be Ronald Reagan, he should remember that Dutch read Zane Grey and Louis L’Amour, not some girly stuff.

Even if you like Mitt, you have to admit it’s amusing how Palin upstaged him yesterday. Mitt’s the establishment guy this year, and since 2008 the only people who have treated Palin worse than the GOP bosses

  • are the mainstream media.

And for once the Karl Roves and the Comrade Chris Matthews agree on one thing — how stupid Sarah is, as if there’s a brain surgeon in the White House now. Apparently Palin is so stupid that she realizes she can get free TV by stopping for a few minutes in the North End. She’s so dumb she does a video interview with this newspaper, which is what Republican primary voters in New Hampshire read when they’re not checking out the Union Leader.

Sarah Palin is so clueless she even had a clambake scheduled at 7 p.m. last night in Seabrook, so that Carl Cameron from the Fox News Channel would have somewhere to do his liveshot from.

Where was Mitt? Playing back the video of his earlier appearance, sans tie of course, in which he promises to repeal ObamaCare. Mixed message, anyone?

So in the past 96 hours of her bus tour, Palin has bonded with the following constituencies: Harley-Davidson owners, Donald Trump fans, pizza lovers, Italian-Americans, Comedy Central viewers, Ellis Island history buffs, to name a few. And the whole “one nation” tour cost her, what, $100,000?

On top of everything else, she had the mainstream media complaining she’s been mean to them by not giving them a full itinerary. Boo-hoo. Only Anthony Weiner prevented her from totally owning the week.

Look on the bright side Mitt. It only gets better from here."


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