Monday, June 20, 2011

Massive Obama roving molestations for homeland security are 'good,' says media. This week Obama staged a 5000 sq. mile 'test run' of feelers

If someone other than Obama ordered mass, taxpayer funded, random molestations across the country without cause under the guise of homeland security, rioters would rightly fill the streets having been incited by the NY Times and Washington Post. Because molestations are on order of Obama, the media says they're good and make us safe. The US economy is on par with Greece according to the IMF,* yet Obama on Wednesday wasted millions on a multi-state molestation practice run over 5000 square miles using 'multiple airborne assets'. Chicago's roaming teen crime gangs and their negligent parents are still at large:

6/20/11, "TSA Now Storming Public Places 8,000 Times a Year," American Thinker, Tara Servatius

"Americans must to decide if, in the name of homeland security, they are willing to allow TSA operatives to storm public places in their communities with no warning, pat them down, and search their bags. And they better decide quickly.

Bus travelers were shocked when jackbooted TSA officers in black SWAT-style uniforms descended unannounced upon the Tampa Greyhound bus station in April (2010) with local, state and federal law enforcement agencies

  • and federal bureaucrats in tow.

A news report by ABC Action News in Tampa showed passengers being given the signature pat downs Americans are used to watching the Transportation Security Administration screeners perform at our airports. Canine teams sniffed their bags and the buses they rode. Immigration officials hunted for large sums of cash as part of an anti-smuggling initiative.

The TSA clearly intends for these out-of-nowhere swarms by its officers at community transit centers, bus stops and public events to become a routine and accepted

  • part of American life.

The TSA has conducted 8,000 of these security sweeps across the country in the past year alone, TSA chief John Pistole told a Senate committee June 14. They are part of its VIPR (Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response) program, which

  • targets public transit related places....

The VIPR swarm on Wednesday, the TSA's largest so far, was such a shocking display of the agency's power that it set the blogosphere abuzz.

In a massive flex of muscle most people didn't know the TSA had, the agency led dozens of federal and state law enforcement agencies in a VIPR exercise that covered three states and 5,000 square miles. According to the Marietta Times, the sweep used reconnaissance aircraft and "multiple airborne assets, including Blackhawk helicopters and fixed wing aircraft as well as

  • waterborne and surface teams."
When did the TSA get this powerful? Last year, Pistole told USA Today he wanted to "take the TSA to the next level," building it into a "national-security, counterterrorism organization, fully integrated into U.S. government efforts."

What few people realize is how far Pistole has already come in his quest. This is apparently what that next level looks like. More than 300 law enforcement and military personnel swept through a 100-mile stretch of the Ohio Valley alone, examining

  • the area's industrial infrastructure, the Charleston Gazette reported.

Federal air marshals, the Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Coast Guard, the FBI, the Office of Homeland Security and two dozen other federal, state and local agencies teamed up to scour the state's roads, bridges, water supply and transit centers

  • under the TSA's leadership.

What is remarkable about these security swarms is that they don't just involve federal, state and local law enforcement officials. The TSA brings in squads of bureaucrats from state and federal agencies as well, everything from transportation departments to

  • departments of natural resources.

The TSA had received no specific threats about the Tampa bus station before the April (2010) sweep, reporters were told.

Federal immigration officials from Customs and Border Patrol swept the station with the TSA, looking for "immigration violations, threats to national security" and "bulk cash smuggling." (How the bulk cash smuggling investigation related to national security

  • was never explained.)

"We'll be back," Milano told reporters. "We won't say when we'll be back. This way the bad guys are on notice we'll be back."

The TSA gave the same vague answers when asked about the three-state sweep this week. That sweep wasn't in response to any specific security threat, either.

The purpose was to "have a visible presence and let people know we're out here," Michael Cleveland, federal security director for TSA operations in West Virginia told the Gazette. "It can be a deterrent."

It might be -- if Americans are willing to live this way."


*6/17/11, "IMF cuts U.S. growth forecast, warns of crisis," Reuters, L. Lopez

""If you make a list of the countries in the world that have the biggest homework in restoring their public finances to a reasonable situation in terms of debt levels, you find four countries: Greece, Ireland, Japan and the United States," (Jose) Vinals (director of the IMF's monetary and capital markets department) said."...


A massive DHS guided terror training drill against imaginary white racists was planed in western Iowa for March 2011. The whites came into the school shooting and succeeding in wounding a Hispanic. The event was cancelled at the last minute.

3/24/11, "County, DHS officials stage mock terror exercise featuring 'anti-immigration' shooters," New Media Journal

"Local parents, citizens, and grassroots organizations in Treynor, IA, are expressing concern over the proposed scenario for a "domestic terrorism/school shooting" mock drill to be performed in a rural Iowa school district this weekend. The problem, they say, stems from the depiction of the shooting suspects as "anti-immigration, gun enthusiasts."

In a document dated March 21, 2011, the Pottawattamie County Emergency Management Agency in conjunction with the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP), Pottawattamie county officials outlined their emergency response plan for a mock school shooting/terrorism exercise scheduled for Saturday, March 26, 2011, at Treynor Community Schools. The plan, Operation Closed Campus, is described as a full scale plan and exercise used to educate players in the proper response of a domestic terrorism

  • or school shooting.

Troublesome to parents and community members is the proposed scenario to be acted out by the students, staff, faculty members, and emergency response teams. The scenario details two white males, ages 17 and 18, with ties to anti-immigration groups and gun enthusiasts, opening fire on a group of minority students,

  • hitting a Hispanic student.

The scenario then develops into "full-scale chaos" with both white male suspects shooting indiscriminately.

The scenario presented in the official document, provided to the New Media Journal by sources who refused to identify themselves for fear of repercussion by local governmental and pro-amnesty advocacy agencies, says:

"In the past 6 months, the City of Treynor and Treynor Community School District has received a significant influx of minority residents. Increasing economic instability and public service cuts in a neighboring metropolitan area had forced minority populations into smaller, more affordable rural communities where commodities and cost of living is significantly less. The economic migration of minority residents, both legal and non-legal into Pottawattamie County Communities has sparked controversy regarding national immigration policies as well as racial tensions with a few embedded, typically silent, white supremacy affiliates. This tension has sparked public demonstrations, propelled city and state illegal immigrant legislation proposals and the law enforcement community has seen an increase in incidents of racially motivated crimes and incidents. Earlier in the school week, staff found a hand-written note left on a cafeteria table that stated 'If you won’t get rid of them, we will.' Similar notes have been found twice before over the past 3 months. Law enforcement, aware of the situation, have found no strong evidence to take action or make an arrest. Similar occurrences have happened in other schools and public places over the past 6 months throughout the region."

Students were sent home with permission slips to participate in the exercise. One parent whose daughter was slated to participate in the mock drill, after reading the proposed scenario, expressed concern over the scenario and its perceived anti-white, pro-illegal immigrant stance. He was told by the local EMS coordinator in charge that his daughter was no longer allowed to participate in the drill and that she nor her father were allowed to be on site on the day of the drill.

Local grassroots organizations have actively begun to reach out to local authorities, legislators, and media outlets to express their concern that, as one community member says, "There has never been an incident such as the one they are manufacturing here in the State of Iowa or any other for that matter. This is

  • highly politically motivated,
  • racially inflammatory, and
  • completely egregious."

Operation Closed Campus's stated mission is to evaluate the emergency response processes in a "no-fault" setting. The exercise is slated to begin at


Unformed minds of school children are to be filled with hate and fear to carry all their lives. ed.


Iowa stages an elaborate drill INSIDE A SCHOOL based on Caucasian Americans wildly shooting throughout the school and actually wounding at least one Hispanic child--

  • although no such crime is known to have happened,

3/24/11, "Group criticizes mock Iowa school shooting drill" AP, T. Ross

"A mock school shooting training drill involving a teen who vents his anger over illegal immigration by using violence has angered an anti-illegal immigration group in Iowa, which claims the fictitious scenario is in
  • poor taste and has a political agenda.
The four-hour exercise scheduled for Saturday at Treynor High School would include
  • police,
  • firefighters,
  • hospitals,
  • government officials
  • and others.
Officials said the drill's fake scenario would be based on a school shooting involving two teens, including one with ties to a white supremacist group who was angry with illegal immigration. A description of the exercise said the teen's frustration stemmed from an influx of minorities into the community that lead to economic instability and sparked racial tensions."
  • "Robert Ussery, state director of the Iowa Minutemen, an anti-illegal immigrant group, criticized the training drill's scenario.
"I think it's terrible that they're trying to paint people who believe in enforcing our laws as criminals," he said.

But exercise director Doug Reed said the scenario incorporated the immigration issue to get Homeland Security funds to cover the training exercise. To qualify, Reed said, the exercise needed to be about terrorism, which
  • the federal government defines as the use of violence to intimidate or coerce a government or population as a means to further a political or social objective.
Reed, who is the county' EMS coordinator, said he's received several emails from upset people but characterized them as being misinformed about the intent of the exercise, which he said is to train emergency responders.
"It has no reality attached to it," Reed said. "It is completely fictitious."Ussery didn't buy the explanation: "If they want to do a terrorism exercise, they could do one with a terrorist coming across our southern border
  • and attacking our schools."
Details of the scenario were not supposed to be made public in advance of the exercise so as not to influence participants, but the information spread Wednesday and Thursday through social media websites. The online campaign urges people angered by the scenario to contact Reed or Republican Rep. Steve King.
  • King's office declined Thursday to comment. "

No one will take credit for the final scenario beyond the money-the feds say it's Iowa, Iowa says it wasn't their idea, it was the 'county' and the feds:

3/25/11, Cancelled: "School shooting drill in Iowa cancelled after threat" AP, T. Ross

"Homeland Security spokesman Matt Chandler said the federal department gives money to states to hand out locally. Specific scenarios aren't dictated by the federal government but are developed on the state or local level, he said.

Stefanie Bond, a spokeswoman for the Iowa Department of Homeland Security, said the state office provides funding but has no involvement in the planning or approval process.

"The county puts together their own scenario that must meet federal criteria," she said."...


Of course, they blame "threats' leading to the cancellation on the same law abiding citizens they demonized in the first place. The AP says multiple 'handwritten notes' were found, another report says only one handwritten note ("a hand-written note") was found (paragraph 5).


Photo above from New Media Journal, caption, "Citizens and grassroots organizations in Treynor, IA, are expressing concern over the proposed scenario for a "domestic terrorism/school shooting" mock drill
Not far from Iowa an Islamist murdered 13 innocent Americans which I guess is forgotten. ed.

Roaming Chicago teen crime mobs and their negligent parents are not affected by Obama's molestation forces. The point is to waste time and money violating innocent Americans, make some think this makes us "safe," while doing nothing to solve real problems. ed.

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