Friday, June 17, 2011

Killings of US soldiers by Afghan troops 'unprecedented between allies in modern history.' Why should Petraeus be rewarded for these murders?

6/17/11, "Report Sees Danger in Local Allies," WSJ, D. Nissenbaum

"Study Says Killings of Americans by Afghan Security Forces Represent a 'Systemic Threat' to the U.S. War Effort"

"The killings of American soldiers by Afghan troops are turning into a "rapidly growing systemic threat" that could undermine the entire war effort,
  • according to a classified military study.

The study by Jeffrey Bordin, a political and behavioral scientist working for the U.S. Army in Afghanistan, warns that the magnitude of the killings "may be unprecedented between 'allies' in modern history."

Based on interviews with some 600 Afghan troops, the report concludes that there is a dangerous "crisis of trust" between Afghan forces and American soldiers that is being ignored by top commanders.

Coalition officials say they aren't ignoring the killings, but say that such attacks don't represent a significant threat to the mission.

Afghan troops have killed at least 57 coalition troops since 2007. A few of the attacks have been traced to infiltrators from the Taliban, who are fighting to topple the U.S.-backed government."...


Commenter to this article on

"If it were up to me this study would be presented at Gen. Petraeus' confirmation hearing to head the CIA and aloud ''DENIED'' would be stated afterward. I can't recall a period of more than 3 weeks lately where NATO troops haven't been attacked by alleged Afghan soldiers or police. If that's not a sign that something is wrong with the basic strategy

by Photoonist


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