On BBC radio a few minutes ago the host/presenters mentioned in passing that there has been talk of America's military getting involved in ground fighting in Somalia. The tone in which this idea was delivered was upbeat and matter of fact. Several weeks ago BBC radio hosts made a similar reference to US military going in on the ground in Libya. They said some people had brought up the idea that the best way to bring quick resolution in Libya would be to send in US soldiers who know how to take care of these things. How did the BBC become warmongers all of a sudden and why do they assume US taxpayer funded military is at the world's disposal? Where is Code Pink? Where is Michael Moore? Where is the BBC who only 3 short years ago despised the US military, thought it was horrible that US military was in other countries, that it was always killing civilians and torturing people, and that US motives were only selfish and imperialistic? Today the left, exemplified by the BBC, views the US military like the Red Cross, a benevolent group at the disposal of 'the good guys' (whoever that might be) to root out every cesspool in the world. Forget that our military can't take care of anything because they're not allowed to. See Iraq and Afghanistan. At the moment Obama has us in at least 4 wars (including Libya and Yemen) and apparently we're available for more.
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