SEIU rep: "It was pale, male Republicans...." To SEIU: Now who's profiling?
Utah, Rhode Island, Indiana, and Arizona have similar laws owing to terror and neglect by US federal government. Mexico has much more elaborate rules than the US does, freely asks for ID, and is widely known
- to beat, rape, torture, and kill immigrants, per the Washington Post. (Photo below, "Rape Tree" one of many in Arizona holding panties of young girls raped by Mexican smugglers).
6/16/11, "Mexico Sues Over Ga. Immigration Law,"
"Mexico and 10 other countries have filed amicus briefs in a lawsuit that asks a judge to declare Georgia's new immigration law unconstitutional and to block it from being enforced. The lawsuit was filed two weeks ago by civil liberties groups.
Besides Mexico,
- Argentina,
- Brazil,
- Chile,
- Colombia,
- Costa Rica,
- El Salvador,
- Guatemala,
- Honduras,
- Nicaragua and
- Peru
ACLU, Southern Poverty Law Center and others file suit against state of Georgia
6/6/11, "Lawsuit Filed to Challenge Georgia's Anti-Immigrant Law," Gloria Tatum, via Atlanta Progressive News
"On Thursday, June 02, 2011, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Georgia, the National Immigration Law Center (NILC), the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Asian Law Caucus, and a coalition of other organizations including civil rights groups filed a class action lawsuit challenging Georgia’s discriminatory anti-immigrant law passed last month and inspired by Arizona’s notorious SB 1070.
“This law undermines our core American values of fairness and equality,” Mary Bauer, legal director of the Southern Poverty Law Center, said during a press conference held at the Georgia Capitol.
“By perpetuating the hate rhetoric that has become commonplace among many elected officials, this law threatens the rights of citizens and non-citizens alike by encouraging racial profiling. Sadly, too, it places Georgia on the wrong side of history," Bauer said....
Additional organizations supporting the lawsuit include Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights, Service Employees International Union, the Southern Regional Joint Board of Workers United, Alterna, Coalition of Latino Leaders, Metro Atlanta Task Force for the Homeless,, Instituto de Mexico, the Georgia Coalition for the People’s Agenda, and the Asian American Legal Advocacy Center.
The lawsuit charges that Georgia’s law, HB 87, is unconstitutional because it unlawfully interferes with federal power and authority over immigration matters in violation of the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution; authorizes and requires unreasonable seizures and arrests in violation of the Fourth Amendment; restricts the constitutional right to travel freely throughout the United States; and violates the Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses of the US Constitution by unlawfully discriminating against
- people who hold certain kinds of identity documents.
Says an SEIU official:
""It is wrong for us to try to regulate immigration on a state level when we are talking about not just a national problem but a worldwide problem that is caused by the globalization of our economic system that forces working people to follow jobs. Now we have people who have to migrate from one country to another just to feed their families. We do not need to blame the innocent victims of globalization for the problems that are caused by globalization," Harris L Raynor, Southern Regional Director and Vice President, Workers United, SEIU said.
"It was the pale, male, and stale people in the Republican party and the State legislature that allowed this legislation to become law. I hope the people of Georgia elect a new legislature that looks a little more like them," Raynor predicts."...
6/1/11, "ACLU Will Challenge Georgia Illegal Immigration Law In Court," AP, WDEF News
"The law enforcement provisions in Georgia's law are similar to a Utah law enacted this year and echo some parts of a law enacted last year in Arizona. All or parts of those laws have been blocked by federal judges.
The Georgia law authorizes law enforcement to check immigration status of a suspect who cannot provide an accepted form of identification, among other provisions."...
7/6/2010, "R.I. troopers embrace firm immigration role," Boston Globe, M. Sacchetti
Larges parts of Arizona land have been closed since 2006 due to uncontrollable violence.
- Do the ACLU, SEIU, and SPLC think Rape Trees are preferable to merely asking someone for ID? If so, why? Why do they seek to fan flames of hatred and division where they would otherwise not exist?

"Rape Tree" photo from Now Public, 3/16/09
6/18/10, "Gangs, corrupt officials make illegal migrants' trip through Mexico dangerous," Washington Post, William Booth
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