Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Yemeni man yells 'Allahu Akbar,' storms American Airlines cockpit on Chicago to San Francisco flight. Cousin says he would have beat up people too

Update #3: "Yemeni man who stormed cockpit door declared incompetent to stand trial," Newscore

Update #2: Yemeni man who charged cockpit said 'Allahu Akbar' 30 times during the flight.

UPDATE: "Wai also said Almurisi appeared "fidgety" in his seat when he saw him on the way to the bathroom earlier in the flight."..."Suspect in flight disturbance had California ID," AP story, SF Chronicle, 5/9/11.

(The Yemeni man's relatives have said he was probably just looking for the bathroom, but a witness says he knew where the bathroom was. )

"Crew members and passengers wrestled a 28-year-old man to the cabin floor after he began pounding on the cockpit of a plane approaching San Francisco.

The man was yelling as he brushed past a flight attendant about 10 minutes before American Airlines Flight 1561 from Chicago was due to land on Sunday night, police said.

Rageit Almurisi, 28, carried a Yemen passport but his nationality is not clear, a spokesman said. ...

Passengers told of how Almurisi was heard to shout 'Allahu Akbar' - or 'God is great'."...


The Yemeni man's relative says he was easygoing but had rheumatoid arthritis, may have needed to walk up and down the aisles, and that flight attendants may have interfered with his need to do so. The relative says he must have been "provoked and badly treated" and "it would not have been the first time." The relative says if he were in that position, he would certainly beat up anyone who stood in his way:

5/11, Daily Mail: "His painful joint condition meant he had to take regular walks on flights, they claimed.

‘If a flight attendant has the nerve to grab me and try to force me to my seat, believe me, you would hear about

5/11/11, "'Maybe he was looking for the bathroom': Family defends Yemeni passenger who stormed cockpit, shouting 'Allahu Akbar' as plane came in to land at San Francisco," Daily Mail UK
5/10/11, "Hero of Chicago to SFO Flight Speaks Out," NBCBayArea.com, Lori Preuitt

via Lucianne.com

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