Wednesday, May 25, 2011

UK Muslims protest Obama, cleric says Obama escalated war on Islam, must face sharia court, is worse than George Bush

5/24/11, "The Bin Laden backlash: Angry Muslims demonstrate outside Downing Street as Obama visits Britain," UK Daily Mail

"Muslim activists descended on Downing Street today in protest at Barack Obama's state visit to London.

As the president met David Cameron in Whitehall, an angry crowd of burka clad women as well as protesters from Muslims Against Crusades gathered on the streets outside.

They were joined by a number of prominent campaigners, including Anjem Choudary. The radical cleric said that President Obama has made himself a 'legitimate target' for Muslim extremists after the killing of Osama bin Laden.

He called for Mr Obama to be dragged before a sharia court over his role in the war in Afghanistan.

Speaking before the march on Downing Street Choudary said Mr Obama was enemy number one for Muslims.

Choudary said Obama was an 'even greater killer of Muslims' than his predecessor George Bush. ...

'He is a war criminal, it goes without saying. He has slain more Muslims than even his predecessor George Bush and has overseen the escalation of the war on Islam.

'He must be arrested and face a sharia court for his crimes.'

'The anti-Obama camp is far bigger than the pro-Obama.'...

Choudary was eventually dragged away by police, prompting scuffles to break out with his supporters."

via Big Government

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