Saturday, May 21, 2011

Obama speech renounces both US and Israel rights to national security (yawn)

5/15/11, "Portal residents not laughing at Obama's alligator moat joke," American Thinker, Phil Boehmke. Palestinians slit throats of sleeping babies.

5/21/11, "Obama abandons American interests," American Thinker, Ethel C. Fenig

As so many people have realized, in Thursday's blunt speech on the Middle East, President Barack Obama (D) threw America's only reliable mid east ally, and the only country in the world subject to continued and promised annihilation
  • under enemy tanks.
But as Jerusalem Post editor Caroline Glick points out, amazingly Obama did the same with his own country, the United States of America, the country he leads, the country he solemnly swore before millions of people to protect.

Obama abandoned his own country!

"Quite simply, Obama's speech represents the effective renunciation of the US's right to have and to pursue national interests. Consequently, his speech imperils the real interests that the US has in the region - first and foremost, the US's interest in securing its national security. Obama's renunciation of the US national interests unfolded as follows:

First, Obama mentioned a number of core US interests in the region. In his view these are: "Countering terrorism and stopping the spread of nuclear weapons; securing the free flow of commerce, and safe-guarding the security of the region; standing up for Israel's security and pursuing Arab-Israeli peace."

Then he said, "Yet we must acknowledge that a strategy based solely upon the narrow pursuit of these interests will not fill an empty stomach or allow someone to speak their mind."

While this is true enough, Obama went on to say that the Arabs have good reason to hate the US and that it is up to the US to put its national interests aside in the interest of making them like America. As he put it, "a failure to change our approach threatens a deepening spiral of division between the United States and Muslim communities."

And that means?

"If the US doesn't end the "spiral of division," (sounds sort of like "spiral of violence" doesn't it?), then the Muslims will come after America. So the US better straighten up and fly right.

And how does it do that? Well, by courting the Muslim Brotherhood which spawned Al Qaeda, Hamas, Jamma Islamiya and a number of other terror groups and is allies with Hezbollah.

How do we know this is Obama's plan? Because right after he said that the US needs to end the "spiral of division," he recalled his speech in Egypt in June 2009 when he spoke at the Brotherhood controlled Al Azhar University and made sure that Brotherhood members were in the audience in a direct diplomatic assault on US ally Hosni Mubarak.

And of course, intimations of Obama's plan to woo and appease the jihadists appear throughout the speech. For instance:

"There will be times when our short term interests do not align perfectly with our long term vision of the region."

So US short term interests, like for instance preventing terrorist attacks against itself or its interests, will have to be sacrificed for the greater good of bringing the Muslim Brotherhood to power in democratic elections.

And he also said that the US will "support the governments that will be elected later this year" in Egypt and Tunisia. But why would the US support governments controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood? They are poised to control the elected government in Egypt and are the ticket to beat in Tunisia as well."


In addition to abandoning his own country Obama also abandoned other allies in the mid east besides Israel; he left nominal allies Yemen and Bahrain swinging in the dangerous desert wind.

"Then there is the way Obama abandoned US allies Yemen and Bahrain in order to show the US's lack of hypocrisy. As he presented it, the US will not demand from its enemies Syria and Iran that which it doesn't demand from its friends.

While this sounds fair, it is anything but fair. The fact is that if you don't distinguish between your allies and your enemies then you betray your allies and side with your enemies. Bahrain and Yemen need US support to survive. Iran and Syria do not. So when he removes US support from the former,

  • his action redounds to the direct benefit of the latter.

I hope the US Navy's 5th Fleet has found alternate digs because Obama just opened the door for Iran to take over Bahrain. He also invited al Qaeda - which he falsely claimed is a spent force - to take over Yemen.

Beyond his abandonment of Bahrain and Yemen, in claiming that the US mustn't distinguish between its allies and its foes, Obama made clear that he has renounced the US's right to have and pursue national interests. If you can't favor your allies against your enemies then you cannot defend your national interests. And if you cannot defend your national interests then

  • you renounce your right to have them.
As for Iran, in his speech, Obama effectively abandoned the pursuit of the US's core interest of preventing nuclear proliferation. All he had to say about Iran's openly genocidal nuclear program is, "Our opposition to Iran's intolerance - as well as its illicit nuclear program, and its sponsorship of terror - is well known."
Well yeah!

"Well so is my opposition to all of that, and so is yours. But unlike us, Obama is supposed to do something about it. And by putting the gravest threat the US presently faces from the Middle East in the passive voice, he made clear that actually, the US isn't going to do anything about it.

In short, every American who is concerned about the security of the United States should be livid. The US President just abandoned his responsibility to defend the country and its interests in the interest of coddling the US's worst enemies.""


Like Obama, Soros roots for and offers cash to the Muslim Brotherhood:

2/3/11, "Why Obama has to get Egypt right," Washington Post op-ed by George Soros

In the third sentence Soros notes his greatest pride--that America has gone down the toilet:

  • "Although American power and influence in the world have declined, our allies and their armies look to us for direction. "...

Soros roots for the Muslim Brotherhood:
  • The Muslim Brotherhood's cooperation with Mohamed ElBaradei, the Nobel laureate who is seeking to run for president, is a hopeful sign that it intends to play a constructive role in a democratic political system."...

Soros-like Obama-blames the tiny country of Israel:
the Muslim Brotherhood that his cash is there for them:
  • "My foundations are prepared to contribute what they can. In practice, that means establishing resource centers for supporting the rule of law, constitutional reform, fighting corruption and strengthening democratic institutions in those countries that request help in establishing them, while staying out of those countries where such efforts are not welcome. "...

The Washington Post helps by running this at the end of Soros' vanity post:
His foundations do the exact opposite and obsessively. Look no further than America which as Soros points out, has gone down the toilet. It took quite a few years, but with patience and enough corrupt politicians he got his wish. A convicted felon, he has been forced to pay large fines for gross financial manipulations several times:

3/27/09, "Fin market regulator fines Soros Fund Management HUF 489m," Budapest Times

Budapest, March 27 (MTI) - "Hungary's financial-market regulator PSZAF has fined the Soros Fund Management LLC 489 million forints (EUR 1.62m) for deals in OTP shares that
  • broke Hungarian laws, PSZAF reported on its website on Thursday evening.
PSZAF said the Soros Fund Management had violated regulations prohibiting unfair market influence in connection with the fund's sale of OTP Bank shares at the Budapest Stock Exchange (BSE) on October 9 of last year.

PSZAF said that Soros Fund Management's transactions caused OTP's share value to fall 9.29 percent. The financial-market regulator added that its investigation of the matter revealed that the fund had borrowed 390,000 OTP shares on October 9, 2008 for the purpose of making short transactions."...


  • "In 1979, he signed a consent decree with the Securities and Exchange Commission in a civil proceeding relating to his trading in the stock of an American computer manufacturer that was about to issue fresh shares. Commission officials contended that
  • Mr. Soros had sold shares to push down the price of the new shares.
6/14/06,"Soros has often drawn criticism for speculating heavily on the collapse of fragile currencies." NY Times

12/30/2008, "Soros blamed for demise of Ukranian hryvna," Kyiv Post

"Portfolio online financial
journal in Hungary reports that the exchange rate crisis of the Ukrainian currency has led many to blame Hungarian-born speculative investor George Soros for the turmoil. The slump began shortly after he (Soros) met Ukraine's Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, the Budapest news organization writes.

Soros's name is popping up more and more frequently in local media sources, which suspect the financial guru may have engineered an assault on the Ukrainian hryvnia similar to the Black Wednesday attack that broke the Bank of England. The suspicions are fueled by the fact that the sharp decline in the value of the currency followed Soros's meeting with premier Yulia Tymoshenko."...


How many people have suffered because of this man (aided by politicians and the Washington Post) ? ed.


Clubhouse Republicans won't begin articles of impeachment, so it's all conversation. ed.

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