Sunday, May 22, 2011

Obama publicly chose side of the Islamist butchers-AT

5/21/11, "Why Israel cannot trade land for peace," American Thinker, Joshua Lipana

President Obama's call for Israel's return to 1967 boarders is an abomination....

The legitimacy of any state is based on how much it respects its citizens individual rights. The Islamists in Palestine are not fighting for land to implement a rights-respecting republic, they want land and "sovereignty" to put into place a bloody Islamic Theocracy.

Israel, on the other hand, substantially respects its citizens individual rights. It is by this virtue that their sovereignty is legitimate. It is also the reason why Israel is supported by liberty loving people all over the world.

The choice of President Obama couldn't be any clearer. Israel is a bastion of Western civilization where human rights are respected; the Palestinian Islamists are butchers who do not recognize anyone's right to life and liberty. He knows this. And he

  • chose to speak out on the latter's behalf."

3/14/11, "Dead Jews is no news," Mark Steyn, The Corner

"On Friday night, twelve-year old Tamar Fogel came home to find both her parents, Ruth and Udi Fogel, two brothers Yoav (11) and Elad (four), and her three-month old sister Hadas murdered in their beds. They had had their throats cut and been
  • stabbed through the heart.

That’s not shocking: There is no shortage of young Muslim men who would enjoy slitting the throat of a three-month old baby, and then head home dreaming of the town square or soccer tournament to be named in their honor.

Back in Gaza, the citizenry celebrated the news by cheering and passing out sweets.

That’s not shocking, either: In the broader Palestinian death cult, there are untold legions who, while disinclined to murder Jews themselves, are content to revel in the glorious victory of others.

And out in the wider world there was a marked reluctance to cover the story."...


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