Saturday, May 28, 2011

If GOP doesn't address repeal of ObamaCare they will lose the election-Tantaros, NYDN

5/26/11, "GOP, get off your heels and attack Obamacare: House loss should put health law back on front burner," NY Daily News, Andrea Tantaros column

"Republicans were dealt a devastating blow this week with the loss of a House seat in New York's 26th Congressional District, an area that had long been a GOP stronghold. In a development few expected, Democrat Kathy Hochul defeated the favorite, Republican Jane Corwin, in the special election. Although there was a spoiler third-party candidate, Jack Davis of the Tea Party, who siphoned off some GOP votes, the reason for the defeat largely rests on the issue that's sure to dominate the 2012 presidential race: Medicare....

A much worse case of social engineering is Obamacare, which is already the law of the land and deserves all of the ire Republicans can muster. For example, Washington Democrats have cut $500 billion by stopping reimbursements to doctors and hospitals through Medicare Advantage. And what happens when you cut payments?
  • Doctors stop treating Medicare patients.

Another part of their "reform" plan includes the Independent Payment Advisory Board, a 15-person rationing panel of unelected bureaucrats tasked with limiting costs per patient. That, again, will happen by cutting services and limiting treatments. Even many Democrats are opposed to this, as it will likely lead to rationing. So why aren't Republicans screaming about it

  • from the rooftops?

What's more, the Medicare board of trustees, part of President Obama's own administration, bluntly acknowledges that Obamacare does nothing to solve the long term Medicare problem...

In the wake of Corwin's loss, it's imperative that Republicans speak truth to power and put the Democrats back on the defensive. Instead of retreating, they need to reframe this debate by retuning to the real issue at hand: The repeal of Obamacare. If Republicans don't, they will lose the message war,

  • falling off that cliff."

The author is a professional Republican and says "few expected" the loss in NY26. The average person could see months ago just from reading a few articles that the GOP would probably lose NY26.

via Michael Savage

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