Sunday, May 29, 2011

German commission says all democracies must be limited in service of global warming

5/29/11, "Climate Dictatorship of the Enlightened: More Great Ideas from Germany," Chris Horner, American Spectator

"The Global Warming Polcy Foundation, run by a native German if from London, links to and translates an article in Die Welt reporting on, and sounding something of an alarm over, a major recommendation from an influential commission advising Chancellor Angela Merkel, "World in Transition - Social Contract for a Great Transformation", by Germany's Scientific Advisory Council on Global Environmental Change (WBGU). That group is led by of all people the top dog at a major scientific institute (but, please, yes, let's bow to science not as a provider of knowledge but policy advisor). A telling pull quote from the story is:

"Germany's green government advisors admit frankly that decarbonization can only be achieved by the limitation of democracy - both nationally and internationally."
  • You can put the piece through e.g., Google translate if you wish. Otherwise, here are some choice excerpts (all emphases in original):

All nations would have to relinquish their national interests and find a new form of collective responsibility for the sake of the climate: "The world citizenry agree to innovation policy that is tied to the normative postulate of sustainability and in return surrender spontaneous and persistence desires. Guarantor of this virtual agreement is a formative state [...].""...


German economist and UN Climate official Edenhofer, 11/18/10: " This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole....Africa will be the big winner, and huge

"German economist "Ottmar Edenhofer was appointed as joint chair of Working Group 3 at the Twenty-Ninth Session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)."

via Tom Nelson

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