Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Frank Luntz is a performer and parasite whose best efforts gave us Obama

4/26/11, "Frank Luntz says Donald Trump Doesn't have the 'guts' to run, he is 'just playing a game,'" Fox News, Neil Cavuto show, Freedom's Lighthouse

Frank Luntz is a good example of the old line GOP. If it looks like something good is about to happen for the American people, they try to stop it. Fine.

Luntz' sources of supply are all over the map. I've heard him say, "we were there," or "what we need." In the first instance, he was speaking on the Imus show a few months ago about being in Arizona. As I listened it turned out the "we" was he and Fox News. The second example was a recent audio clip on radio in which he declared what "we" Republicans needed in a presidential candidate. On other occasions, Luntz' joins forces with the global warming crowd, selling the greatest "pseudoscientific fraud" of a generation.

If he wants to be an analyst or performer on Fox News, fine. If he wants to tell me what "we" need, forget it. He does not represent me. What "we" need is someone who wants to save this country. His gang of retreads had their chance and proved unwilling or unable to do the job.

Luntz sold his services to the global warming group Environmental Defense Fund in 2010. His 'cred' as a big Republican supposedly enabled him to tell the left how to talk the rubes into AGW, you know tell them it's for 'national security.' This is not a small matter, as global warming rests on the theory that all Americans are criminals who must pay trillions in climate 'reparations.'

Luntz' presentation to Environmental Defense was sponsored by News Corp., (Fox News) per its title page. Here is the summation page, Jan. 2010.


Luntz's full report, The Language of the Clean Energy Economy, is available at"

photo of Frank Luntz from The New Republic article holding "Words that Work"


2/3/2010, ""Global warming conversion,"The Daily Beast, Michael Smerconish,

"Smerconish: I feel that the bigger headline would be a headline that says Republican pollster Frank Luntz believes in man-made climate change and global warming, and is making the argument that even for those who don't, there's a case to be made that we've got to make changes. But it doesn't sound like that headline is yet to be written.

Luntz: You can write that headline. The only problem with that headline is that it emphasizes what I believe —

Smerconish: —Right, but you've got credentials on the right side of the aisle. I for one would pay attention to what you say.

Luntz: Well then write that headline. There you go."...


"Wall Street realized there was money to be made in 'going green.'" Robert Redford, April 2009


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