Friday, April 1, 2011

Soros group J Street says 'no proof Palestinian terrorists responsible for Fogel murders'...Nurse!

4/1/11, "Incitement by Palestinian Arabs: The Role of J Street," American Thinker, Lawrence W. White, MD

"According to J Street, the letter "Ignores other significant impediments to the peace process ... it ignores Palestinian willingness to make concessions for peace". It further criticizes the use of the Fogel murders as "misleading", and it further claims there is no proof that Palestinian terrorists were responsible for the murders.

3/14/11, "Our World: Three Jewish children," Jerusalem Post, Carline Glick

Someone might consider the fact that in the Palestinian Authority, anti-Jewish propaganda is so ubiquitous and so murderous that killing the Fogel babies was an act of heroism. The baby killers knew that by murdering Udi, Ruth, Hadas, Yoav and Elad they would enter the pantheon of Palestinian heroes. They can expect to have a sports stadium or school in Ramallah or Hebron built for them by the Palestinian Authority and
  • underwritten by American or European taxpayers.
And indeed, the murder of the Fogel children and their parents was greeted with jubilation in Gaza.
  • Carnivals were held in the streets as Hamas members handed out sweets.
Obviously YouTube managers are not interested in being held responsible for someone noticing that genocidal Jew hatred defines Palestinian society – and the Arab world as a whole. But they really have no reason to be concerned. Even if they had allowed the video to be posted for more than an hour, it wouldn’t have made a difference.

The enlightened peoples of Europe, and growing numbers of Americans, have no interest in hearing or seeing anything that depicts Jews as good people, or even just as regular people. It is not that the cultured, intellectual A-listers in Europe and America share the Palestinians’ genocidal hatred of the Jewish people.

The powerful newspaper editors, television commentators, playwrights, fashion designers, filmmakers and professors don’t spend time thinking about how to prepare the next slaughter. They don’t teach their children from the time they are Hadas and Elad Fogel’s ages that they should strive to become mass murderers. They would never dream of doing these things. They know there is

3/14/11, "Dead Jews is no news," Mark Steyn, National Review, the Corner


3/25/11, "The New York Times and Itamar," American Thinker, Andrea Levin

The murders of the Fogel family, including three children stabbed to death in their beds, obviously posed a dilemma for the New York Times. Fixated as it is on a story line in which Israel, and especially Israeli settlers, bear central responsibility for ongoing tensions with the Arabs,
the Times covered the killings with the
and colored language typical for the paper's editors and reporters
  • when addressing peril to Jews and the Jewish state."...


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